I am not making up excuses for the lack of entries these couple of months... but I've been terribly busy with a lot of things:
1. school - sucks. Next week, I have major, major projects due:
- type - 10 spread book - we have to make our own book, like stitching and all with at least 10 spreads - this is major part of our mark. It's supposed to incorporate everything we have learned in the last 2 semesters =S My partner and I hasn't even started producing the work... and we just found out last week that this is due NEXT WEEKKK!!! eeeekkk!
- design - seneca brochure - i think it's just a filler in the course, nontheless, it's time consuming and pointless
- design process - a pop up book. Yep, I have to MAKE a friggin' pop up book... due when?? TMR!!!!! arrrggghhh
- photo - photo illustration project - to photographically depict a short story... eerrrmmm?????
- software - pointlessss!!!!! this half of the semester, we are learning indesign... in which.. everything that has been taught to us was already taught to us last semester... yet we still have to do these tideous projectsss!!! arrrgghhh
- history - bookplate - since our prof cancelled last week's class, we really don't know when this stupid bookplate is due. The week before, I spent 8-10 hours working of these stupid, stupid, intricate floral designs... and since this prof does not even know what week we're in, I feel as if he's losing track of everything thus we would rush to get this finished :S
2. work:
I received bad news today at work.
As you may know, I used to work for a small internet and telephone company that has been bought out by a major telecommunications player. Ever since of the acquisition, there were a number of people who quit, moved to other locations and positions within the new company, or stayed on the old company's side to deal with things that needed to completed.
I was offered to move to another location to start a new position but I felt that the new location would be too far for me to work as a part timer. I have been quite grateful to still be employed for only working once a week...
Up until 3 weeks ago, there have been major cuts for those who have decided to stay with the small company. All directors have been cut. Recently, managers have been cut. Because a lot of departments who handle our old company tasks has been relocated, we don't really know what's really going on. It's even harder because we report to the larger corporation's managers/directors who are at other locations, thus our reporting "managers" don't really manage us. They don't truly understand what we do and frankly, I don't think they really care. This being said, we are all worried about our jobs. It wasn't until this morning that we have realized that we are vulnerable to losing our jobs. I say this morning because one of the managers (there are only two) at my location has been laid off.
It's quite deceiving to us smaller folk due to the fact that we sincerely have dedicated our time to help the larger company try to ease their acquisition and hopefully once everything is done, we hope to receive a better position. We are quite wrong. My folk have been cut one by one... and we really don't know if our jobs will be secure in the new year.
yaaayy for acquisitionsss!!!! =S
fuckin' shit!!!!!
sigh with all of these changes going around at the my work place and at school, I feel I'm in a very vulnerable state.