Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I apologize to everyone who reads this blog and anticipates (well, not really) an entry.
I am not making up excuses for the lack of entries these couple of months... but I've been terribly busy with a lot of things:

1. school - sucks. Next week, I have major, major projects due:
  • type - 10 spread book - we have to make our own book, like stitching and all with at least 10 spreads - this is major part of our mark. It's supposed to incorporate everything we have learned in the last 2 semesters =S My partner and I hasn't even started producing the work... and we just found out last week that this is due NEXT WEEKKK!!! eeeekkk!
  • design - seneca brochure - i think it's just a filler in the course, nontheless, it's time consuming and pointless
  • design process - a pop up book. Yep, I have to MAKE a friggin' pop up book... due when?? TMR!!!!! arrrggghhh
  • photo - photo illustration project - to photographically depict a short story... eerrrmmm?????
  • software - pointlessss!!!!! this half of the semester, we are learning indesign... in which.. everything that has been taught to us was already taught to us last semester... yet we still have to do these tideous projectsss!!! arrrgghhh
  • history - bookplate - since our prof cancelled last week's class, we really don't know when this stupid bookplate is due. The week before, I spent 8-10 hours working of these stupid, stupid, intricate floral designs... and since this prof does not even know what week we're in, I feel as if he's losing track of everything thus we would rush to get this finished :S

2. work:
I received bad news today at work.
As you may know, I used to work for a small internet and telephone company that has been bought out by a major telecommunications player. Ever since of the acquisition, there were a number of people who quit, moved to other locations and positions within the new company, or stayed on the old company's side to deal with things that needed to completed.
I was offered to move to another location to start a new position but I felt that the new location would be too far for me to work as a part timer. I have been quite grateful to still be employed for only working once a week...
Up until 3 weeks ago, there have been major cuts for those who have decided to stay with the small company. All directors have been cut. Recently, managers have been cut. Because a lot of departments who handle our old company tasks has been relocated, we don't really know what's really going on. It's even harder because we report to the larger corporation's managers/directors who are at other locations, thus our reporting "managers" don't really manage us. They don't truly understand what we do and frankly, I don't think they really care. This being said, we are all worried about our jobs. It wasn't until this morning that we have realized that we are vulnerable to losing our jobs. I say this morning because one of the managers (there are only two) at my location has been laid off.
It's quite deceiving to us smaller folk due to the fact that we sincerely have dedicated our time to help the larger company try to ease their acquisition and hopefully once everything is done, we hope to receive a better position. We are quite wrong. My folk have been cut one by one... and we really don't know if our jobs will be secure in the new year.

yaaayy for acquisitionsss!!!! =S
fuckin' shit!!!!!

sigh with all of these changes going around at the my work place and at school, I feel I'm in a very vulnerable state.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Great Design

Last week, an Applied Design magazine rep came to Seneca to promote the magazine. She didn't need a lot of "promoting" because Applied Design magazine is one of the very few design magazines that recognizes, appreciates & inform enthusiasts of all sorts of design mediums such as photography, packaging, branding and of course, advertising.
Through her, students were able to subscribe to this magazine for a year for only $40.00 which is an incredible price... considering that their annual advertising awards issue is $25 alone (I got this addition too!). Whenever I went into chapters, I always wanted to buy their issue but was never could afford it.
Anyway, I was going through their annual students awards issue and found some really amazing stuff. As I was looking through these stuff, I thought to myself, I could do this - I could be really great if I put my mind to it.
Before I started my program at Seneca, my goal was to get a's in all of my classes.... so, I have been and this "a" business is quite easy to achieve... so with this in mind, to further my strengths and skills in design, I have decided to push for something further, something more and greater - to win an award. Yes, I have decided that before graduating from Seneca, I will win an award. =) Wish me luck!! =D

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Working on my Fitness

Ever since I started attending BodyCombat and Pump at the gym, I feel invigorated. I feel like my energy level has gone up and my productivity at school has really increased. I no longer have any sleepless and stressful nights. My body just feels like it's full of activity and energy that some times, I don't know what do with it.
My friend, Fontane, has also been working on her fitness too. She's been going to hot yoga and has been going to the gym regularly too. She started to eat healthy... and I can see that there were some positive changes.
Even though she initially started to work out to lose some weight, I can tell that she is transitioning into a fitness freak. She is uber aware of what she eats and how many times she works out. I think Fontane is stepping away from the the goal of losing weight to becoming a healthier person in general.
&& I notice that a lot of people who start this trend... to change their lifestyle and not stick to a fad diet that that is what they will have or will become - to change their lifestyle to becoming a healthier person.
She approached me last week to ask if I wanted to join her in training for a 5km run. I hesitated, thinking that my cardio is extra bad. Even when I was a kid, I never liked running and I was always short of breathe. Thinking of my fitness level and how much I approved since I started going to the gym, I thought to myself that I should start pushing myself even more. With this in mind, I am training for my 5km run in spring. Yep, I have officially announced it. Hopefully by writing this, and posting it online, I will continue to train. &&& it helps because Rico and Justin will be joining me and Fontane.
Yesterday afternoon was our first meet. Unfortunately, not a lot of people showed up so Fontane ran by herself. I couldn't go because I couldn't make it to her house... so instead, I jogged alone in my area. It wasn't as bad I thought it would be. Yes, I was short of breathe but I kept pushing myself.
Along with jogging, I have decided to broaden my fitness level by swimming. Swimming not only helps you condition, burn and tone your body, it helps with controlling your breathing - which I need to do. I remember when I was in high school, I trained for dragonboat 3 times a week, two of the practices were in the pool. We trained extensively in the pool and also did strength training outside. It was major hard work but i realized that that was when my body was the most lean.
Lately I realized that my bodycombat class hasn't been given my what I wanted. There was something missing in that class. But don't get me wrong, i still the love the class. I love it so much that whenever I get home, I show jooyong what I've learned. It helps that your boyfriend is a 3rd degree black belt in tai kwon do because he can teach me proper technique that I haven't been able to learn in class. However, as I mentioned earlier, I want something more. I am considering of taking tai kwon do classes to further approve my strength and endurance. && knowing that I am super paranoid and chicken shit, these classes can help me improve on my self defense skills as well.
But first, I need to do to focus on my 5km training.

Ok, so I'll be doing my second run in 5 mins! Wish me luck!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Last of my Reading Week

By request, I am posting something new :)
& I am terribly sorry about it. I've been super busy lately and the fact that I didn't work this week didn't help either :S
but but it doesn't mean that I wasn't thinking about it!! =D

sooo let me know tell you why i haven't been updating... I'll start by the where I left off from my post about reading week:

Day 5 & 6: I I went to the malls those days to look for Halloween stuff and Lilian's gift. (That's why I didn't post earlier just in case Lil read it.) I was quite unsuccessful and was just exhausted by doing errands that I just wanted to stay in bed to catch up on my lack of sleep the weeks before.

Day 7: I went to STC to look for our Halloween tees =D I was going to also look for Lilian's gift but it turned out that I told her I was at the mall (which I was not supposed to do!) and turned out that she was the exact same mall as I was! lol I couldn't say no to not chillin' with her!!
By the time we were done, I had to go home to get ready for Jessica's birthday.
lol it was quite funny that night actually! Jessica was quite a funny character that night! I cannot stress how much she drinks! If you think Joo drinks a lot... Jessica is probably a bit more than he is!!!! && she only just turned 21!!!!! hahahaha

Day 8: I met up with Kaleena to go shopping for Lilian's gift, black shorts and other things as well.
After we went over to her house to work on our project tee. We went to pick up Joo and decided to continue our project special tee over at Joo's place. We spent sooooo long perfecting these tees! we were sooo ambitious to have these tees look great that I dropped her home in the wee hours of the morning! lol

Day 9: I was scrambling to put together Lil's gift and get our accessories for our costumes. I got home, got ready, then headed out the door. Rhea & I headed over to rolling pot for Lil's bday dinner.
I've never actually went out for hot pot. It was quite an experience. I'm not a huge fan of hot pot before but I think I can handle this lol :)
After we went over to Lilian's place present our hard working gift to her =) she loved ittt!!!
I would have to give photo credit to Kay because she rocks photoshop skills!!!!
Rhea, being a kind person and loving person she is, she drove Katelyn, Kaleena and I to Finch station. It was out of her way. Thank you Rhea :) i hearts you.
Well we headed over to Circa... and what a night!!!!! We rocked out SWAT costumes like no otherrrr!!!! mmm hmmmmmm! that's right! lol
A very special birthday shout out to my girl, Lilian :) *muahhhzzz

Day 10: I stayed at home lol I've been so busy with everything else that I absolutely forgot to do my chores. lol I could tell my parents were getting annoyed lol

The last few days have been the regular school grind again. I had a midterm Monday on photoshop and other homework that I was supposed to catch up on.

On a happy note, my next design project is a magazine spread of Ghandi. I can't wait!!!!! wahooooooo!!!!!!