Monday, March 22, 2010

Stunning Photography: Chris Gordaneer - Maybreeze

To see other works - go here

Recently, I've been really interested in photography. Even when I was studying at YorkU, I didn't quite understand photography and the whole hype around it. It was not until I took a real photography class last semester that I found this new appreciation for it. Capturing an beautiful image is hard... and even taking that image one step further is photoshop is even harder.

I'll be blogging about stunning photography more often now :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I know that a lot of you have been waiting for a post... well I hope you are! lol I've been really busy lately and haven't been thinking about my next post... so I guess here it is!
(I have to warn you though, it's gonna be crazy randomness! lol)

Well, let's start off with the bad news.

I'm stressed. I'm stressed to a point where I don't even wanna think about doing all of this shit for school because when I do think about it, I just get more stressed and don't even want to start on it. baaah it sucks

Ok on to the good part lol

My parents came back from VN a few days ago and I am so relieved! On a good side though, they said I have lost weight which means that my BEAST MODE is working! This has truly motivated me to lose the extra 10 pounds again! One problem though - I've plateaued. Yes, the inevitable has finally come. I knew that one day I will plateau and never imagined that it will be a the peek of my motivation to loose this friggin' weight! arrgghhhh
I am seriously considering of cancelling my gym membership and start doing some hardcore training like boot camp or some crazy martial arts. hmmm

kk That is all for now. I really gotta start on this illustration project... See ya!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This thing called LIFE!

I thought 2010 was THE year. So far, it's not.
In my earlier post, I have expressed how much emotional baggage I have because of my friends' family members have passed on. Back then, I just hoped that that was the last of it... but I was wrong. I'm not going to tell you directly because it's not my place to say. and don't worry, (really!) the news doesn't directly involve me or my family members.

Randy Pausch & his oldest son

I started reading a book for my English class. At first, I thought that it was going to be a boring business inspired book like those like call out "buy my book and i'll make you rich" type of thing. "Don't judge a book by its' cover" actually really applied to the book I'm reading.
It was written by a professor, Randy Pausch" who was diagnosed with cancer a few years back. Since his diagnosis, his university asked him to lecture his last lecture (in which, the book is also called). It's a really inspiring book that I found very profound and dear to my heart. He talks about learned lessons that he endured throughout his life and the results that became from it.
Since battling cancer, he knew a few tips here and there about time and how it is so precious. I hope you read the below section (in which I typed myself!) and hope you pick up this book and read it yourself.

All of my life, I've been very aware that time is finite. I admit I'm overly logical about a lot of things, but I firmly believe hat one of my most appropriate fixations hs been to manage time well. I've railed about time management to my students. I've given lectures on it. And because I've gotten so good at it, I really do feel I was able to pack a whole lot of life into the shortened lifespace I've been handed.
Here's what I know:
Time must be explicitly managed, like money. My students wuld sometimes roll their eyes at what they called "Pauschism" but I stand by them. Urging students not to invest time on irrelevant details, I'd tell them: "It doesn't matter how well you polish the underside of the banister."
You can always change your plan, but only if you have one. I'm a big believe in to-do lists. It helps us break life into small steps. I once put "get tenure" on my to-do list. That was naive. he most useful to-do list breaks tasks into small steps. It's like when I encourage Logan (his son) to clean his room by picking up one thing at a time.
Ask yourself: Are you spending your time on the right things? You may have causes, goals, interests. Are they even worth persuing? I've long held on to a clipping from a newspaper in Roanoke, Virginia. It featured a photo of a pregnant woman who hd lodged a protest against a local construction site. She worried that the sound of jackhammers was injuring her unborn child. But get this: In the photo, the woman is holding a cigarette. If she cared about her unborn child, the time she spent railing against jackhammers would have been better spent putting out that cigarette.
Develop a good filing system. When I told Jai (his wife) I wanted to have a place in the house where we could file everything in alphabetical order, she said I sounded way too compulsive for her tastes. I told her: "Filing in alphabetical order is better than running around and saying, 'I know it was blue and I know I was eating something when I had it.' "
Rethink the telephone. I live in a culture where I spend a lot of time on hold, listening to "Your call is very important to us." Yeah, right. That's like a guy slapping a girl in the face on a first date and saying, "I actually do love you." Yet that's how modern costumer service works. And I reject that. I make sure I am never on hold with a phone against my ear. I always use a speaker phone so my hands are free to do something else.
... Over the years I've picked up other phone tips. Want to quickly dispatch telemarketers? Hang up while youi're doing the talking and they're listening. They'll assume your connection went bad nd they'll move on to their next call...
Delegate: As a professor, I learned early on that I could trust bright, nineteen-year-old students with the keys to my kingdom, and most of the time, they were responsible and impressive. It's never too early to delegate. My daughter, Chloe, is just eighteen months old, but two of my favorite photos are of her in my arms. In the first, I'm giving her a bottle. In the second, I've delegated the task to her. She looks satisfied. Me, too.
Take a time out. It's not a real vacation if you're reading email or calling in for messages. When Jai and I went on our honeymoon, we wanted to be left alone. My boss, however, felt I needed to provide a way for people to contact me. So I came up with the perfect phone message:
"Hi, this is Randy. I waited until I was thirty-nine to get married so my wife and I are going away for a month. I hope you don't have problem with that, but my boss does. Apparently, I have to be reachable." I then gave the names of Jai's parents and the city where they live. "If you call directory assistance, you can get their number. And then, if you can convince my new in-laws that your emergency merits interrupting their only daughter's honeymoon, they have our number."
We didn't get any calls.
Some of my time management tips are dead-on serious and some are a bit tongue-in-cheek. But I believe all of them are worth considering
Time is all you have. And you may find one day that you have less than you think.

I haven't finished the book yet but I can tell you that it's a very interesting perspective of life.

Pausch passed on on July 25th, 2008. He leaves behind his wife and three young children.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MY Prince of Persia!

Doesn't he look friggin' hot?!!?!?

Any one who knows me, knows that I am absolutely in love with Jake. He is my fantastical hunk of a man in the celebrity world. Not even Brad Pitt will out do Jake!! I know, I'm in love lol

For my final photoshop assignment, I have to find a celebrity picture (a couple) and smack my face onto the one of them so it looked like I was there beside them. Of course I chose Jake (why not!!??!)!!! As I was typing his name in the google search bar, some suggestions came up, including this one: Jake Gyllenhaal workout. Curious, I clicked on it and found out that he's getting bulky for his role in Prince of Persia.

Since I love working out and being active, I thought I'd check out his rigourous training for the role... and this is what I found:

5.30am: Pre-workout snack: half a banana, some nuts and an espresso.
6am: An hour-and-a-half cardio outdoors workout while wearing a 20lb flak jacket to simulate the weight of armour. Interval training - 10min uphill sprint, followed by abs exercises, eg, sit-ups, at the top of the hill. Repeat sequence five times, then a 10min run, followed by stretching exercises.
7.30am: An egg-white omelette, a small protein shake and an isotonic drink to replenish salts lost during training.
Lunch Baked potato with tuna and salad.
6-7pm: An hour of resistance training using cables to simulate sword fights, pull-ups, press-ups, abs exercises using weights; finish with stretching.
7-8pm: An hour-long deep tissue massage
Dinner: Soup and a protein shake
Snacks/supplements Two litres of water, protein bars, dark chocolate, supplements rich in omega-3, 6 and 9. No foods containing refined sugar, occasional gl of wine allowed.
9-12: Make Jake feel good time.
from here

Isn't that just frigign' hardcore?

As you may know, Jake (lol I say it as if I know him! LOL) loves working out, well not only working out but he loves to be active. He rarely goes to the gym and usually keeps his workout time by playing various sports like basketball, surfing, cycling and running. Not only does he engage his muscles in these activities, he also does calisthenics work outs.
Calisthenics are workout routines that tones your muscles without any weights but your own body. For example, push ups, sit ups, leg raises are calisthenic routines you can do at home.

One of the reasons I love summer is the various levels of activities you can do outdoors. All calisthenic workouts can be done at home alongside out doors type activities such as biking and rollerblading. I seriously cannot wait until the snow melts and I can hop on the ferry to Centre island to go rollerblading with Joo. Yaaayyy!
A couple of years ago, Joo and I came up with a list to do during the summer together as we were sitting in my car, blasting the heat while it snowed outside. I guess Joo would be the closest Jake I can get lol because he loves being active as well. One of the things we decided to do this summer was to rollerblade around Toronto and be a tourist. Another thing is to go cycling at Centre Island after having a picnic on the beach. Yaa, I can't wait!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

To view other pictures from the same artist, go

Oddly enough, I get these emails from one of my past profs that aren't directly emailed to me? lol I don't want to report it because she finds very interesting visual links like this photo above. Isn't it just so cute?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Canada!

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It's official - the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics has ended... I thought I would never say this... but wow - what a remarkable 17 days!!!!!

Yesterday's win against the USA in hockey was epic!!! Every Canadian, including me (I never watch hockey) was watching this game. I knew they would take it! Congrats to Canada!!!!! We have definately proven ourselves!!

On another note, I am quite disapointed about the organization of the games. I am very emabarrassed that these little mistakes - like not having the correct song, or the death of a luge athlete etc etc - were even present at the games! I mean, c'mon... the whole world is watching (and judging) our every step and Vancouver couldn't represent?!?!? booooooooo
Another disapointment was the closing ceremony. I saw the whole thing until they came out with oversized mounties and beavers etc... C'mon!!!!!! Is this what you have to show the world?!?!?!? That we're a bunch of mounties and that we look up to the beaver? uhmmm how about the culture? The freedom....? Everything that Canada had to offer was not in that performance! What a disapointment!!!


Congrats to all Canadian Athletes!