Friday, January 28, 2011

TRX Circuit

I get really bored of the same routines. I find that my motivation is in the challenge of my physical ability. If I find myself yawning in a class, that's when I know I gotta try something new.
The cousin and I have made a pact with eachother that we should be involved in a sport or physical activity every summer. (Mostly in the summer because that's when I have the most free time but hopefully when I start working FT, it'll change) Last summer was kickboxing and hot yoga. On top of that, the cousin would also attend combat classes at goodlife (what a trooper!) This summer we are planning to do boot camp. Hopefully the trial period we're planning to do will be challenging enough for us and HOPEFULLY price will be good too!
I actually found another place we can and hopefully will challenge physcial and mental strength:

TRX Suspension Trainer

Yep, it's basically a resistance band suspended from a door frame or the ceiling. It uses the traditional fitness techniques but caters to the band. You use your body weight for weight training but can incorporate circuits to combine the ultimate weight training and cardio combo in one. I'd really like to try it but since the equipment is limited in Toronto gyms, I can only hope it will go up to North York! =S

Nonetheless, if you're interested, here's the link.

A new beginning.... again?

Earlier this month, I've noticed that I've been getting pretty chunky lately. Not unusual of course because of my eating habits but the more and more I look at myself in the mirror, the more and more I am quite dissatisfied with how my body looks. This sort of emotion has furthered dissatisfaction yesterday. I went to Fairview to look for something to wear on tonight for my sister's 30th birthday.

We are going for dinner at a Winterlicious Chinese restaurant, then heading to a party called the Shuffle Party. I'm quite excited because this party happens for only once a month... and the music is friggin' crazy! Imagine... putting your ipod on shuffle... at a club!!!

As I was trying on things, I've noticed that this huge piece of miztran fat has been juking out of everything I tried! My spare tire has definately inflated over the past months of non exercise.
With this dissatisfaction, there is always a solution - eating healthy and working out. Just like over the summer when the cousin, Katie and I used to go to kickboxing and hot yoga religiously, I think I'm def gonna do the same routine.
Earlier this year, I started blogging again about my out lifestyle change. It changed for a bit, I def got slimmer, gained some visible muscles and lost about 5lbs. It was pretty amazing how hot I kind of looked without my rolls. But nonetheless, I am trying to stick with it every day.

Losing weight is 20% exercise & 80% nutrition!

Monday, I went to the supermarket to look for some healthy lunches for school and work. Not only do I save a hell lot of money, I also really benefit from eating my usual salad with almonds and cashews (no salad dressing!), tamatoes, and cucumbers. I pack either a wrap or whole grain sandwich filled with my favorite deli meats & cheese - hot mortadella, lean smoked turkey and jalapeno style harvati or spicy monteray jack (no mayo, of course!). I find that adding a kick to my sandwich doesn't make it dry nor dissatisfying.
I had this ingenious idea of using filling my sandwich with lots of my spring mix salad, tomatoes and cucumbers. I just compile my veggies and sandwich right before I eat.
To tell you the truth, I am quite happy with what I have for lunch everyday and look forward to eating it.
Now that lunch is covered, I just gotta think of convenient type foods that I can eat for breakfast. My dilemma is that, well I'm always on the go. It usually takes me 30mins to get ready and once I'm done visually prepping for the day, I head out as quickly as I can.

Researchers have found that those who eat a large breakfast every day are more likely to lose weight

I want something that I can eat while driving (and even though dangerous), it is the quickest solution I can think of.

Eating breakfast an hour within you wake up is highly recommended for those who want to lose weight

[ I got a break through just now!!!! lol ]

This morning, J blended me a hearty strawberry, banana shake filled with flax seed and orange juice. I think I'm gonna have J's delicious fruit shake every morning for breakfast! That's perfect, right!!!?? It fills me up quite perfectly, made from real fruits, tastes good AND probably covers my fruit and veggie daily recommended intake every day! Not to mention, it's friggin' convenient!


As for my exercise routine, I've decided to weight train at least twice a week and cardio four five times a week (if time permits). Weekends are my off days where I can do homework. This will be work out schedule (if you're curious):

Monday: Combat/Cardio
Tuesday: Pump & Cardio
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Pump & Combat
Friday: Cardio

I'm not sure if I want to get into hot yoga again. The reason why I stopped going was because 1. the owners decided to cut the cheap class and 2. it wasn't challenging enough. Maybe I can look relook the schedule to see if I can do it Fridays again? But one thing is for sure: it'll be challenging once again.

Another thing, the cousin and I have bought vouchers to a kickboxing gym. It was $20 for 20 classes! Fucken amazing! I hope we get to start this once again! I'm thinking that we should start going either in March or Feb, and go once a week.

Honestly, I love working out. The love hate eating healthy but hey, that's sacrifice for ya!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where do I stand?

I've been feeling a little under the weather lately... not physically, but emotionally. Since my trip to Xmas, I've been feeling a bit unappreciated. I find myself reclusive from social events. I thought it was stress from school and perhaps the decline of employment but I find that my social circle isn't there anymore.
I find that I have to make plans with people while they don't bother doing the same for me. It questions the utter friendship we have together. I find myself analyzing if it's worth it.
Last Friday, I was very furious at a certain friend - or so I thought he was. The sequence of events of the night made me question if anyone actually considers how I feel sometimes? I have to admit that, I have conformed to this robot of a friend who is passive etc. That is due to the fact that I don't want to emerge any conflicts between J and his guy friends.
To elaborate -- last week, J, JR, and R asked me if I wanted to go to the casino on Friday night. Not having any plans (and despite that I don't gamble) I decided to take on that offer. Mostly because I haven't spent some good ol' quality time with the guys out. (I couldn't care less of the gambling) R is not a big gambler himself so we decided to bring $40 each and combine our fortunes to hopefully make a profit. I was quite excited as everything was going very smoothly -- or so I thought.
An hour before we were supposed to head out... and right when I got into the car from the taking out cash for the night, J asked me, "How would you feel if it was a guy's night out?"
I felt fucken furious when I heard that. Fucken Furious.
Apparently S wanted a guys night out at the very fucken last minute.
Let's recount -- I was the only girl going.
Do you see something wrong here?
Not only was I de-invited to this fucken shot gun 'guys night out,' J didn't even stand up for me. He wouldn't even look at it in my view and MAYBE suggested to the guys that
  1. it was friggin' 10pm at night and I had not plans but to go chill with them
  2. it wasn't apparent enough for him to stand up to his friends and say, 'hey, maybe it would be inappropriate to pull this because she's the ONLY girl going?'

The lack of actions I've experienced from J made me really question the relationship we have together. The fact that he didn't quite consider my feeling in this whole ordeal was something to ponder.
I've never, ever, asked him to choose me over his friends but I find that there is this constant battle between me and his friends --- and I'm certainly not the one who starts it. I feel that he doesn't realize this. Whenever this emerges, I feel that he's always choosing them over me.
With this in mind, I feel like he's actually not considering how I feel in the scheme of things.
The pressure of our big 5 is coming up and I feel that things have been quite different. Because of this thing, I question if this is the battle I have to endure through out my future with him? If so, I'm not up to it.

A few weekends ago, I was chilling with JR one Sunday night after the guys left. R came over... and randomly asked, "If J asked you to marry him now, would you?" I tried to avoid answering and replied with a joke. He looked at me seriously.
"I don't know," I replied.
"You don't know?" He looked astonished, confused, surprised - not expecting this uncertain answer from me.
It's true. I really don't know if I really want to committ to someone who has friends that make him choose between me and them. I don't want to go through this constant battle of attention throughout my life.

The day after the casino night, I told JR how I felt towards S proposing this shot gun 'guys night out.' He said to me that he didn't even consider my aspect, or I felt. I was truly blessed to hear the truth from him.
He argued that the only reason why S proposed this was because he didn't want his gf to go. My reply?
"How is this my problem? Why did I have to be so called punished for this shit? Something that doesn't involve me? and yes, it did involve me indirectly... but why didn't HE consult me first?"
To me, that just showed that NONE of the guys AND my BF didn't even consider how I effin' felt.
This, in itself infuriated me.

Lately, I've been feeling this sort of anger towards J. He said that next time, he would consider how I felt in situations like this.... but for some sort of reason, I don't believe him.

In turn, I think this would be the demise of our relationship.