I am terribly bored at work.
and no, I don't want to actually do work today...
My supervisor is on vacation this whole week until next Tuesday and the billing department manager is on vacation today prob to recover from his daughter's wedding... and I doubt that once he returns from his vacation tmr, he wouldn't give a poo about me doing work or not... lol I shouldn't be posting this crap here but meh, i'm sooo bored.
anyhoo.. since i'm here, I'll let you know how my weekend was :) Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was actually not as exciting as you may think:
Friday - I went to Chris' party at his girlfriend's Dana's house in Missassauga. It's a really nice house (from the outside). It's in one of those very exclusive estate neighborhoods. We were escorted to the back, to the basement... in which, I must add was very nice too! There was food and drinks provided by the hosts which made the night seem as if you're at a club :) Oh, and yes, the theme was beauty and geek lol joo had to dress up at a geek... a couple of weeks ago, we went to value village to hunt for the perfect outfit... and it was sooo incredible! :) all the guys dressed up as geeks! it was hilarious!
Saturday - After a night of drunkness, Joo & I woke up at 2pm... (I know, that was half our day gone already!)... we went to the bench and jean machine sale (thanks to my cousin :D)... I got two bench sweaters and two pairs of jeans... jooyong purchased his first pair of mavi AND buffalo jeans! I'm soo proud of him! lol just because well, I consider myself a veteran of jean machine (since JR high) and for my bf to part of this materialistic world makes me happy hahahaha
We then went out for some chakos with my siblings... which was alright... i think we're getting really bored of kbbq lately
Sunday - I really didn't do anything on Sunday. I woke up, ate, watched weeds, napped, watched weeds, ate, watched weeds, took a shower, watched weeds while getting ready, watched more weeds then went to go pick up jooyong from work lol
my family had a really big dinner that night... mmm it was good.
lol so that was my weekend!
So i've been thinking... I think my life is interesting enough to have a reality tv show. what do you think? lol
school starts in about a week! wahoooooo! I can't wait! although, i'm not looking forward to having classes everyday :(
I wish I had some mcdonald's hashbrowns and sausage mcmuffin right about now... they should consider of having their breakfast all day
i haven't uploaded my florida pics yet on fb... sorry! once i'm over my laziness, i will try to do this.. ok, actually, i promise i'll do it tonight :)
wow, this day has been hella long.. i can't wait to go home and watch more weeds... and play photo hunt! :D
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
I find this pretty funny... but seriously, who would want to do that? lol
How to dump your best friend:
1. Sit down and make a list of things you don't like about your friend (even trivial things such as, "I hate her voice").
2. Return to the list after a few days and cross out things that no longer apply.
3. Give your friend a head's up that you want to talk about your friendship so she can prepare herself.
4. Rehearse what you're going to say to her so you don't over-talk.
5. Meet in person and acknowledge that the conversation will be uncomfortable.
6. Pay her a compliment to set a nicer tone.
7. Share some things from your list - but only a few.
8. Give her a chance to respond.
9. If she cries or is upset, say you're sorry she's hurt, but don't backpedal.
10. If you run into her in the future, say hi and be civil, but don't feel like you have to do more than that.
Jodyne Speyer, author of Dump 'Em: How to Break Up With Anyone from Your Best Friend to Your Hairdresser.
How to dump your best friend:
1. Sit down and make a list of things you don't like about your friend (even trivial things such as, "I hate her voice").
2. Return to the list after a few days and cross out things that no longer apply.
3. Give your friend a head's up that you want to talk about your friendship so she can prepare herself.
4. Rehearse what you're going to say to her so you don't over-talk.
5. Meet in person and acknowledge that the conversation will be uncomfortable.
6. Pay her a compliment to set a nicer tone.
7. Share some things from your list - but only a few.
8. Give her a chance to respond.
9. If she cries or is upset, say you're sorry she's hurt, but don't backpedal.
10. If you run into her in the future, say hi and be civil, but don't feel like you have to do more than that.
Jodyne Speyer, author of Dump 'Em: How to Break Up With Anyone from Your Best Friend to Your Hairdresser.
Thursday, August 27, 2009

A little slow, but still good. It's definately a typical Quentin Tarantino movie with all the gorey and bloody stuff (some scenes I can't even watch because it was too much for me) but all together it was a good movie. Lots of talk, not a that much action -- that's why I decided to give it 4/5 stars.
It's actually a confusing movie.... not the plot and stuff.. but there are certain really serious scenes but certain characters make it pretty funny aka Brad Pitt. With this being said
I don't want to give the movie away but I would recommend wathing this movie.
It's been so cold in Toronto since I got back. I'm not liking this weather.
I got Joo to watch the first season of weeds! He wanted to watch his Naruto but I made a deal with him to watch the first two episodes of weeds... after the two, he couldn't stop! lol
I hate Drake. That is all.
I can't wait to go to the gym today with my cousin. Time to beat some ass! muahahahahha
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I'm super duper glad to be back (not to work, but back to my life in the t dot o)!!!!!!! I had an incredibly fun trip with my friends but being in another city where I didn't know where I was going with a bunch of guys who, essentially just wanted to get laid, was like torture to me. I come to realize that whenever I go to the states, I find myself so relieved that I live in such a wonderful country. Even though the states has its perks sometimes, I wouldn't want to live there, except for LA or NYC, but other than those places, I wouldn't consider of moving there. Actually I lied. The real estate market in Florida is incredibly cheap! My friend who moved there for school and bought a condo for only 50 thousand bucks!!! yaahhh! for only $6000, you can be a home owner! WTF???
ok, I was being side tracked there. Anyway, I have so much stories to tell you but unfortunately my nails are long and they hurt whenever I type lol soooooo with this, once i see you, I will definately update you on my trip :)
But I will say this, I felt like a fly on the wall... the one where you know i'm there but don't mind me being there because i'm not flying around your ear, buzzing into it etc etc (ok, that was a bad analogy) but whatever, I tried. lol and i loved being this fly on the wall.. because i love observing people... but most importantly, I went with a group of awesome guys who i think i feel close to. They are truly great guys and I don't think I would want to replace them if I had a second chance.
Anyway, The week went by so fast. We spent about 26 hours driving (and taking stops), going through numerious states, seeing lots of beautiful valleys on the way up and down and being this my van, watching weeds... was an incredibly unique trip.
We drove from Toronto, through Windsor-Detroit border, down to Ohio, Kentucky, Tenesse, Georgia then finally to Kissimmee (suburb of) Orlando, Florida. A few days later, we took a 3 hour drive to Fort Lauder, took trips to Miami and South Beach. On the way back, we hitted up North and South Carolina, West Virginia, Pennesylvania then crossed through the Buffalo-Niagara Falls border.
Anyway, as i mentioned, there are tons of stories in which, some are incriminating, some are not... but some are just purely fun and lasting memories.... so with this, here are some of the highlights of the trip:
- watching weeds during our drive to toronto was incredibly helpful! it didn't seem like we drove for 24 hrs at all! now, I am addicted to weeds... and yes, I am ashamed that I was watching it at work today lol
- rony doing 95 on a 65 - getting a 300.00 speeding ticket... AND another ticket for not having his license on him lol
- squeezing 8 large people in a 7 seat van while driving 4 hours to fort lauderdale
- sam and ram sleeping together on a small air matress
- shopping. that is all lol
- watching chris and rony being "biligerent" on the golf course - crashing carts and driving over greens
- sam won a golf tournament!
- watching the guys scout for hot girls but there were only pre teen girls or over weight mothers on the resort
- treking to publix, bought 30.00/person worth of food for 3 days for breakfast, lunch and dinner! ate sooo well!
- mcdonald's dollar value meals! i can get full off a mcdouble ( like a cheeseburger but with two beef patties), salad and drink for only 3 dollars and change!
- going to ladies' night in orlando - no cover for ladies!!!!! oh and did i mention that there were also free martinis as well?!?!!?!?!!!!! muahahaha
- getting into a fight with jay... actually 2, talked it out and we're still friends :)
- the girls getting smashed and went skinny dipping (not me!)
- relaxing by the pool
- jay beating up rony and ram lol
- jay getting a black eye in result of beating up rony and ram lol
so i think that's it??? but i'm not sure.. i was pretty much half drunk the whole trip! hahaha
anyway, when i came up less than 48 hrs ago, I come to realize that:
- I missed ethnic food in toronto! I can't wait to get some good korean, vietnamese, hakka, indian, west indiand and everything in between food!!!!!!
- I miss tim hortons lol
- I missed just chillin'
- I missed jooyong's bed
- I missed my bed
- I missed my girls
- I missed reading my cousin's blog
- I missed patio-ing (cuz it's wayyyy tooo hot to chill outside some times!)
- Jooyong incredibly missed me! he hugged me so tight and said in such a relieved way that he "missed me so much"... as if i left him.
[ side blog - this, btw, was such news to me when he told me. I have never, ever, EVER felt this type of love from his.. and I felt it. I wasn't like he was sugar coating it, like he was obligated to say it, but it was a genuine response. It was a genuine statement and note that he missed me in his life. and regardless of what his friends say, (if you're reading this blog) that doesn't make his less of a man. it makes him more of a man. this is why I love my boyfriend so much. ]
but what I don't miss? this darn toronto weather! Tornados!!??!?!!? you guys were pullin' my leg! c'mmooooonnn now! who has ever heard tornados tearing up, what? 400 houses in toronto? lol oh gosh....!
I think this trip will ultimately be my until my trip to Asia in Fall 2011... but, we'll see! :D
ok, tata for now!
ok, I was being side tracked there. Anyway, I have so much stories to tell you but unfortunately my nails are long and they hurt whenever I type lol soooooo with this, once i see you, I will definately update you on my trip :)
But I will say this, I felt like a fly on the wall... the one where you know i'm there but don't mind me being there because i'm not flying around your ear, buzzing into it etc etc (ok, that was a bad analogy) but whatever, I tried. lol and i loved being this fly on the wall.. because i love observing people... but most importantly, I went with a group of awesome guys who i think i feel close to. They are truly great guys and I don't think I would want to replace them if I had a second chance.
Anyway, The week went by so fast. We spent about 26 hours driving (and taking stops), going through numerious states, seeing lots of beautiful valleys on the way up and down and being this my van, watching weeds... was an incredibly unique trip.
We drove from Toronto, through Windsor-Detroit border, down to Ohio, Kentucky, Tenesse, Georgia then finally to Kissimmee (suburb of) Orlando, Florida. A few days later, we took a 3 hour drive to Fort Lauder, took trips to Miami and South Beach. On the way back, we hitted up North and South Carolina, West Virginia, Pennesylvania then crossed through the Buffalo-Niagara Falls border.
Anyway, as i mentioned, there are tons of stories in which, some are incriminating, some are not... but some are just purely fun and lasting memories.... so with this, here are some of the highlights of the trip:
- watching weeds during our drive to toronto was incredibly helpful! it didn't seem like we drove for 24 hrs at all! now, I am addicted to weeds... and yes, I am ashamed that I was watching it at work today lol
- rony doing 95 on a 65 - getting a 300.00 speeding ticket... AND another ticket for not having his license on him lol
- squeezing 8 large people in a 7 seat van while driving 4 hours to fort lauderdale
- sam and ram sleeping together on a small air matress
- shopping. that is all lol
- watching chris and rony being "biligerent" on the golf course - crashing carts and driving over greens
- sam won a golf tournament!
- watching the guys scout for hot girls but there were only pre teen girls or over weight mothers on the resort
- treking to publix, bought 30.00/person worth of food for 3 days for breakfast, lunch and dinner! ate sooo well!
- mcdonald's dollar value meals! i can get full off a mcdouble ( like a cheeseburger but with two beef patties), salad and drink for only 3 dollars and change!
- going to ladies' night in orlando - no cover for ladies!!!!! oh and did i mention that there were also free martinis as well?!?!!?!?!!!!! muahahaha
- getting into a fight with jay... actually 2, talked it out and we're still friends :)
- the girls getting smashed and went skinny dipping (not me!)
- relaxing by the pool
- jay beating up rony and ram lol
- jay getting a black eye in result of beating up rony and ram lol
so i think that's it??? but i'm not sure.. i was pretty much half drunk the whole trip! hahaha
anyway, when i came up less than 48 hrs ago, I come to realize that:
- I missed ethnic food in toronto! I can't wait to get some good korean, vietnamese, hakka, indian, west indiand and everything in between food!!!!!!
- I miss tim hortons lol
- I missed just chillin'
- I missed jooyong's bed
- I missed my bed
- I missed my girls
- I missed reading my cousin's blog
- I missed patio-ing (cuz it's wayyyy tooo hot to chill outside some times!)
- Jooyong incredibly missed me! he hugged me so tight and said in such a relieved way that he "missed me so much"... as if i left him.
[ side blog - this, btw, was such news to me when he told me. I have never, ever, EVER felt this type of love from his.. and I felt it. I wasn't like he was sugar coating it, like he was obligated to say it, but it was a genuine response. It was a genuine statement and note that he missed me in his life. and regardless of what his friends say, (if you're reading this blog) that doesn't make his less of a man. it makes him more of a man. this is why I love my boyfriend so much. ]
but what I don't miss? this darn toronto weather! Tornados!!??!?!!? you guys were pullin' my leg! c'mmooooonnn now! who has ever heard tornados tearing up, what? 400 houses in toronto? lol oh gosh....!
I think this trip will ultimately be my until my trip to Asia in Fall 2011... but, we'll see! :D
ok, tata for now!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
what's gwanin'...
If you're wondering what happened to my last blog, I have deleted it. Yep! The other night one of Joo's friends stumbled upon my mushy, super emo post about me and joo... and yep, now jooyong is considered the least manly man of them all! so, with that being said (and without ripping my bf's macho manly reputation in front of his friends.. and to save the embarrassment) I have decided to delete the post. Sorry for those who couldn't read it!
Hmmm i wonder if i can see who goes on my blog? like the feature xanga had..? i will definately need to ask the knowledgable cousin of mine :)
Anyway, I have two more classes until I my semester 1 is done!
however, this week is gonna be a killer!
Type final project - due tmr
Color theory final project - due monday
Texture assignment - due friday
Proportion project - due friday
Scale project - due monday
English exam - monday
and then i'm off to a very promising and eventful weekend.. THEN (with much anticipation) I'm driving through 8 states to the ol' south of the u, s of a! :D Can't waiiiitttt!
Don't think I will be blogging since I don't think it would be a good idea to bring my lovely macbook.
so i probably won't be able to blog until after my trip... hmm actually maybe? lol whatever.. if anything, have lots of fun in toronto, torontonians! until later, *tata!
Hmmm i wonder if i can see who goes on my blog? like the feature xanga had..? i will definately need to ask the knowledgable cousin of mine :)
Anyway, I have two more classes until I my semester 1 is done!
however, this week is gonna be a killer!
Type final project - due tmr
Color theory final project - due monday
Texture assignment - due friday
Proportion project - due friday
Scale project - due monday
English exam - monday
and then i'm off to a very promising and eventful weekend.. THEN (with much anticipation) I'm driving through 8 states to the ol' south of the u, s of a! :D Can't waiiiitttt!
Don't think I will be blogging since I don't think it would be a good idea to bring my lovely macbook.
so i probably won't be able to blog until after my trip... hmm actually maybe? lol whatever.. if anything, have lots of fun in toronto, torontonians! until later, *tata!
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yes, I give this movie a 5 stars. Why? Well it's pretty funny, the plot was pretty good and I have to admit, Zac Effron was h-h-hot in this movie! (hahahaha I know, I'm such a pervert! lol) Anyway, there were a lot of actors that I didn't know was in the movie, like Chandler from Friends, the sister from knocked up and other ppl whom I don't remember at the moment.
Yes, I have to admit, there were some cheesy scenes that me and joo literally laughed out loud but only because this is truly a teen movie! hahaha like the opening scene where Zac was literally sweating... shirtless!!! (no wonder my younger sisters love him! hahaha)
I can't believe that my first semester as a graphic design student is almost over! I can truly say that I have learned a lot! Prior to May, I had no knowledge in illustrator and InDesign... so far, I drew a vector drawing of two portraits... and they look great (considering that again, I had no prior knowledge of the software) :)
o now im getting. ill blog later!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Long Weekend :)

(Note, my review is extremely biased. Just read further and you'll know why lol)
Firstly, I start with my review :)
Yesterday night, Katie (lol), Lucky and I went to go see Funny People at our local AMC theatre. As we turn into the plaza, I had this great idea to go to the LCBO and drink while watching this "funny" movie. Me and Katie bought a bottle of wine and 4 appletinis and Lucky bought a mickey of whisky to bring in the theatre.
The movie itself is actually pretty depressing. There are some funny parts but not those type of "memorable" ones. Maybe because by half of the movie we were pretty trashed! hahahaahah
The movie itself was loooooonnngggg! For half of the movie, we were soooo trashed that we didn't even know what the heck was going on! hahaha As the movie progressed and the wine bottle was still full, we decided to play a game where, when we heard "fuck," we would drink. Man, there would be parts were they didn't swear but when they did, it was like bullets going off in Afghanistan! hahahaahha Especially the part when Eminem was talking... lol we had to drink like.. 10x!! hahahaha
By the end of the movie, we were soooo confused, bored and trashed like there was no tmr! hahahah it was fun times though! hahaha
So as you may know, this is an extemely biased movie. Joo went to see the same movie with his friends the same night. All of his friends including him thought the movie was really good! lol whereas with us, we were like... uhhhh what? hahahah But it was great to spend some quality time with my friend, Lucky :)
Afterwards, we stumbled into the kbbq restaurant... pretty drunk, rowdy and completely oblivious to everyone sober! hahaha good thing our server was great! lol
At the restaurant, we ordered 2 bottles of sake... (even though it was digusting) Lucky got pretty trashed and started "flirting" with our waiter, nigel hahahahaha i love lucky! He is sooo funnyyy!
So on to my long weekend... Friday night, I didn't do anything but homework. Wait, I lied. After doing homework, I went over to Joo's with a few friends. They were playing cards and I was RC for 3 hours! hahahaha I love it!
Saturday afternoon, I slept in, woke up, ate, went on rc while chillin' in my backyard with my baby brother. Lol it was so cute! he was on my sister's laptop playing his game too! lol
Around 7, Katie came to pick me up to head out to Niagara. We decided to head over to the LCBO before we left. It was such a great idea! We got a bottle of wine for 6 bucks and a micky of vodka. Around 8, we headed out to Niagara. By the time we got into our hotel, we immediately got ready to go clubbing... while pre drinking! (There are sub stories to this main story lol please ask me.. i'm too lazy to type now).
we headed over to Dragonfly, waited in line for 5 mins then decided that this is bs so we headed over to Rumours. Had a blast at Rumours, left there, tried to wander around Clifton Hill, trashed, but everything was closed. We headed to Casino Niagara, saw all of the tables full so we left lol we passed out.
The next day, we walked around the city, literally, from our hotel, down to the falls, across to clifton hill, across again to the fallsview casino, had dinner at the buffet, chilled at the falls and firken patio... then finally headed out home. We were in traffic for 2 additional hours so we got home around... 1am! It was exhausting but sooooo much fun!
The next day, I chilled at home and did the majority of my home work for the week. I have an exam tmr for colour theory which I have to study for tonight, in-class essayfor english which I have to do the outline... and perhaps start on my project due Friday. Oh and a stupid at home test due tmr mrning... If I hadn't spent time on monday to do hw, I think I would've died! lol
I'm unable to go to the gym for the next week or so. On Friday night, I was trying to show off my jump kick (which btw, I can kick pretty high for a short girl) and I pulled something in my left knee :( It's nothing serious. I am getting better only after 4 days... but I shouls take it easy for the next week or so. It sucks cuz I'm dying to go to BodyPump and Combat! arrrrggghhhhh!
Yesterday night, I had this crazy dream! It was short but soo scary! I remember being at this huge mansion. The living room was like a skydome but you can open certain windows. I saw this one man, trying to open a window.... A lady yelled out for him to stop. He looked at her, ran to her and killed her. He then looked at me and started chasing me. I was running backwards (for some sort of reason), cornered... saw his face right up to mine... then woke up. Holy crap! that was sooo friggin' horrible!
Ok, I should stop blogging and get back to work! hahahah *tata!
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