Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MY Prince of Persia!

Doesn't he look friggin' hot?!!?!?

Any one who knows me, knows that I am absolutely in love with Jake. He is my fantastical hunk of a man in the celebrity world. Not even Brad Pitt will out do Jake!! I know, I'm in love lol

For my final photoshop assignment, I have to find a celebrity picture (a couple) and smack my face onto the one of them so it looked like I was there beside them. Of course I chose Jake (why not!!??!)!!! As I was typing his name in the google search bar, some suggestions came up, including this one: Jake Gyllenhaal workout. Curious, I clicked on it and found out that he's getting bulky for his role in Prince of Persia.

Since I love working out and being active, I thought I'd check out his rigourous training for the role... and this is what I found:

5.30am: Pre-workout snack: half a banana, some nuts and an espresso.
6am: An hour-and-a-half cardio outdoors workout while wearing a 20lb flak jacket to simulate the weight of armour. Interval training - 10min uphill sprint, followed by abs exercises, eg, sit-ups, at the top of the hill. Repeat sequence five times, then a 10min run, followed by stretching exercises.
7.30am: An egg-white omelette, a small protein shake and an isotonic drink to replenish salts lost during training.
Lunch Baked potato with tuna and salad.
6-7pm: An hour of resistance training using cables to simulate sword fights, pull-ups, press-ups, abs exercises using weights; finish with stretching.
7-8pm: An hour-long deep tissue massage
Dinner: Soup and a protein shake
Snacks/supplements Two litres of water, protein bars, dark chocolate, supplements rich in omega-3, 6 and 9. No foods containing refined sugar, occasional gl of wine allowed.
9-12: Make Jake feel good time.
from here

Isn't that just frigign' hardcore?

As you may know, Jake (lol I say it as if I know him! LOL) loves working out, well not only working out but he loves to be active. He rarely goes to the gym and usually keeps his workout time by playing various sports like basketball, surfing, cycling and running. Not only does he engage his muscles in these activities, he also does calisthenics work outs.
Calisthenics are workout routines that tones your muscles without any weights but your own body. For example, push ups, sit ups, leg raises are calisthenic routines you can do at home.

One of the reasons I love summer is the various levels of activities you can do outdoors. All calisthenic workouts can be done at home alongside out doors type activities such as biking and rollerblading. I seriously cannot wait until the snow melts and I can hop on the ferry to Centre island to go rollerblading with Joo. Yaaayyy!
A couple of years ago, Joo and I came up with a list to do during the summer together as we were sitting in my car, blasting the heat while it snowed outside. I guess Joo would be the closest Jake I can get lol because he loves being active as well. One of the things we decided to do this summer was to rollerblade around Toronto and be a tourist. Another thing is to go cycling at Centre Island after having a picnic on the beach. Yaa, I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAH OMG i almost fell off my chair when i read "MY prince of persia" ahhahaha
    && "fantastical hunk of a man" HAHAHHA and how you refer to him like you know him HAHAHAHAH again. oh man you made me laugh so hard in 2 paragraphs. good job!!!!! hahaha

    btw. im gonna steal ur ideas bout rollerblading and cycling. haha if anything when u guys do a part 2, pls call us along! we are bor-ing. lol!
