Firstly, I'd like to mention that I have changed my layout. I know, booorrrriiinnnnngggg, right? Yes it is. At this current moment, I have no inspiration to really make things pretty (even though it is my job to do so). I've been drained of all design stuff so please, do not judge!
Why does this have to start with a relationship status? As if I'm blogging to meet someone out there?! Anywayy....
Yes, I am taken. I haven't been single for almost 5 years. To some, that's a long time. To me, it really doesn't feel like it.
If you know me, you know that my relationship with my boyfriend is great. We rarely argue because we try not get eachother upset. And that's the best part about it. I'd like to say that our relationship is based on compromise and understanding. Nothing else.
I love my boyfriend and I can't imagine a life without him.
Actually, I lied. Sometimes, I do. Sometimes I wonder how my life would be if I hadn't have met my boyfriend? If I was currently single? I think it would be a very depressing one.
Before dating Joo, I was going through a rebuilding phase. A phase that allowed me to restart my life. When my ex and I broke up, it was horrifying. The only reason was because I really didn't have any friends to cry on except for one or two. But knowing me, I tried my best not to put my emotional state on their shoulders. I felt like I had no friends. And it was true, I didn't have any friends.. or a group of friends that I can go out with and leave my depressing state at home.
Anyway, my whole point was that, when I met my boyfriend, that was when my life re-started and that was when my rebuilding state has commenced.
I met friends through his friends... I socialized a lot more. The best part about my relationship with him is the fact that he allows me to go out and meet new people; to have fun with my girlfriends and just be me. That has never, ever changed.
He doesn't judge me for who I am. He encourages every thing I decide to do. And he's always there to support and help a lending hand to - not only me - but to my friends and family as well. He's a great guy and even though I get upset at the little things he does or lack of, I still love him for who he is and what he will become.
Yep, I guess you could that he's my number one fan :)
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