[update!:] (sorry I wrote that earlier in class because I didn't want to listen to my prof ramble on about how to use the pen tool in illustrator. Goodness, you would think that after 4 semesters and one huge illustrator project last term, people in my class would be able to maser it! Anyway, my prof just showed us how to import a series of illustrator layers into an animation in flash! He practically did our flash assignment in 10 mins! lol it took my flash prof 6 WEEKS to teach us the same thing! wow!

Freedom March 2010
So my views on drugs and alcohol. This is what I have to say:
alcohol = good
drugs = meh
I know drugs in general are a big no no in our society. It's frowned upon yet there is a secret society out there where the most unexpected people do drugs. To me, different kinds of drugs have different kinds of degrees. The lowest grade drug, to me, is marijuana. I believe it's harmless compared to other drugs out there. And trust me, when I was a teenager, I tried drugs.
Not only marijuana, but k (horse tranquilizer) and e. I, personally, did not feel anything when I sniffed k. I have seen people on k and they tripped out to a point where they thought they were in another world.
E, meh. I took the emotional kind of e. You get really emotional, say things that you wouldn't normally say. It's kind of weird actually. I didn't like the buzz when I was on it because I didn't like the tired-hyperness of it (it makes you stay awake) and the grinding of the teeth pissed me off.
In general, I wouldn't want my younger siblings to do drugs due to the fear of them being addicted to it. In my last year at York, I took a course called "addiction & society." One of the requirements for the course was to read two books: one was about a doctor from Vancouver who treated a well known neighborhood that's known for their addicts; the other one was a collection of notes from writers who has recalled their memories of them being addicted to some sort of drug or alcohol. After this course, it really opened my mind to a lot of things. For instance, did you know that addiction is biological? Certain people are prone to addiction because of the lack of endorphins they have in their neurological system. All addicts have this trait because they're depressed. They don't realize they're depressed because all they want is to fill that void. And yes, depression is genetic. I mention this because my older sister has been diagnosed with anxiety and depression just a couple of months ago. Thankfully she realized this and seeked professional help. Others, not so much.
There has been a history of depression in my family. My uncle has died from alcoholism; my cousin in VN is addicted to heroin; and of course, my mother is addicted to work because it keeps her mind off things. Because of this, I fear that my sisters and brother will be addicted to drugs. Not only that, I fear that my children (with J) will be more prone to it because his family also has a history of depression and drug abuse.
So what's my view on drugs? I think every teenager should at least experiment with drugs. I say teenagers because they're the ones who do not have much responsibility in their life at the time. When I mean experiment, I mean, society itself shouldn't brush this taboo topic under the rug. Parents shouldn't hush their kids and restrict them from doing it. Supervision is key. If my kids want to smoke marijuana, fine. I'd rather them drink and do drugs at my house rather than doing it elsewhere where I don't know if they're dead or not.
I know, I have contrasting ideas. I think my last paragraph is most agreeable though. I say this because if my siblings wanted to do drugs, they can go ahead and do it. I just hope that they have good judgement when they continue it.
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