The Body Shop
This may be late news to all of you... but it was recently discovered by me and cousin while going into Lush this past weekend. She was looking for a tea tree water spray for her face which she researched online and found the product impressing by reviewers and I think so too. A perfectly skinned young man came up to help us out. We told him that we usually use the Body Shop's tea tree oil as a face cleanser. He gave us a sour look and told us that the product is unproductive. He said that since L'Oreal bought the Body Shop, they stopped their opposition to animal testing. Can I just say, wow!?!?!?
I use the Body Shop a lot. I use their tea tree oil face cleansing products since I was a pre-teen when my older sister introduced it to me. I use their face make up all the time because I find their colours and foundations aren't as radical as other make up brands out there. I pride - used to pride myself of being a Body Shop fan because they take social responsibilities seriously, like funding for breast cancer, against animal testing, having lines of natural products and of course, being green friendly.
When I found out that The Body Shop was taken over by the cosmetic guru, L'Oreal, I was shocked. I was disapointed and adamantly lost in words. Once I got home, I found that all of my newer products didn't have the "against animal testing" line on them anymore.
Because of their irresponsible business move, I have decided to not buy anymore Body Shop products. (Well, I'm going to finish all of the products I have now first, then move on to something new.)
With this being said, I think I'm going to move on to Lush's products since they are all natural and basically just better products than L'Oreal's chemically induced products. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my make up though... If anyone knows any brands out there that are farely natural and take responsibilities to social issues, please let me know :)
My Convocation

Yes! I have finally convocated from York after being with them for 4 and half years! Do I feel proud? Nope. Do I feel like I achieved something? Nope. Why? Because I don't feel like I have achieved what I wanted to achieve for the past year - to graduate as a designer.
Let me start with my experience as a York Dork.... Firstly, I was reading my cousin's final GCM blog and felt as thought I've been jipped of my university status. She had so many great memories at Ryerson with such a closed-knit group of friends who she calls them as the GCM family. I didn't have that. And it's not just her, but everyone else who graduated from university as well.
Even though I feel this way, I do not regret meeting one of my very close friend, rhea in second year. She has been an inspiration to me to progress and develop my art further than I have imagained!
(My co-worker just interrupted my train of thought so I forgot where I left off. I 'll just continue what I was thinking of..)
(Ah yes, my convo..) My convocation was all together really fun! There were a lot of graduates from the Faculty of Fine Arts including design, theatre, film, dance cultural studies and my program, visual arts. I noticed that the theatre and film departments were cheering their classmates on whenever they got up to get their degrees but no one cheered for anyone at Visual Arts. With this being said, I go back to my previous point - See, that's the thing with visual arts. It's such an independent and competetive field that no one wants you to suceed as an artist because 1. they're biased - not a lot of artists are that opened minded 2. they think their work is better than your's. So that's why I feel as though my friendships at York aren't as strong because artists do judge you, and they judge you by how well your art is. And yes, I admit, I have that mentality too but it just kinda sucks that that's how the visual arts is.
Other than that, I am finally done with fine arts! FINALLY! I've been waiting to leave the program since the York strike and I guess I do feel a sort of accomplishment. I can say that I have finished a Specialized Honours program in Visual Arts :)
UP :)

This was a great movie! I love how newer cartoons are coming out in 3D which is a great experience! The movie itself was great, excellent, and everything else in between. However this is why I didn't give the movie straight 5 stars:
It dealt with a lot of adult content - for ex., the mourning and death of a loved one - children do not have these type of mourning emotions like how adults feel. Children do not know what dealth is because, well in fact, they have not experienced it as often as adults do. With this being said, the movie seems like it was targetted for adults more than for children
And yes - like my cousin warned me - it was incredibly sad. I was crying, practically for the whole movie! Especially when the Ellie couldn't get up the hill.
But yeah, not to spoil it for anyone else, you should go watch the movie in 3D. It's worth your money. :)
Study Week
Finally the last topic I wanted to blog about. It's finally my study week aka reading week! I'm soooo relieved to have this week off! I asked my supervisor if I could get any more shifts and now, well I regret asking. Right now, I'm working until 5pm today... and the next time I'm scheduled to work is a week from now! Which means, 6 days off of school and work! yaaayyy! Yep, I'm gonna take up that offer and not work because I deserve it :)
I had lots of planning this week but it seems like the rain is dampening my plans. I'll probably stay home and do some house chores, go to the gym and watch all of the tv i want! hahahah I can't wait! :)
Rhea's Birthday!

This past weekend was Rhea's birthday. On top of going to Rockwood and having the usual blast, Rhea and I ventured out to Vaughn to try the new Chilli's restaurant there. Review? Food's good, our server sucked bum.
But anyhow....
Ok, until later! *tata!