Proposition to the Gardiner

There have been talks where the city will be tearing down one of our major highways to the downtown core - the Gardiner. Yes, currently it is pretty horrid-looking and it does detract away from the beautiful harbourfront but at the same time, it is a neccessary highway where commuters are pretty much very dependant on.
On June 19 2009, the city had a meeting to listen to any suggestions to see what they can do with the Gardiner instead of closing it down. Architect, Les Klein came up with a great idea to not tear it down, but to build a park on top with bicycle, walking paths and also street vendors. YES! I think the city should really do this! For one thing, I love the idea! It's just common sense! To have a bicyle root, commuters can bike ride their way to work while enjoying such a scenic view of Toronto. It's definately an idea that Toronto can consider!
Thumbs up to Les Klein!
The New Streetcar
The city has also looked at replacing the old streetcars downtown to this new European streetcar. The just have to finalize the final funding from the Federal governement. So far, the ministry of finance - or something like that position - hasn't approved it because their proposition was not related to "creating or developping jobs in Toronto." To tell you the truth, no, doesn't it. It makes the city look modernized but it certainly doesn't help creating jobs etc. I think the municipal government jumped on this proposition to see money from anywhere they want. And yes, why not do that?! Give it shot, right?
HELL NOOOO!!! It just makes Toronto look like it's spoiled and can bully all other cities - hahaha - which i'm pretty sure it does anyway! ashahah
But on this term, I'm not even sure if these streetcars are even beneficial? Yes, they are green but is it worth it?
I say, keep the same streetcars we have now and MAKE them green?! Our current street cars give this charm to the city, and why not keep them? Even though they are dingy and sometimes smell like pee but I still love them!
The New Asian Mall Lastly, there has been huge contreversory (well, just on from readers about this new asian mall that a Toronto billionaire is planning to build in the heart of asianville (markham).
Rudy Bratty is the 53rd wealthiest man in Canada - according to the Canadian Business Magazine and is planning to get this project underway.
The 800,000 square feet property will be home to a luxurious mall, hotel and condos. It also has an exterior urban design with fountains and walking paths.
As mentioned earlier, there has been concerns by readers about this mall. Here are some of their arguments:
This proposed Asian Mall has the potential to create thousands of jobs for Canadians of all ethno-cultural backgrounds; not to mention the huge boost to the local economy - John Lipka
- Agreed. In 2007, 47% of immigrants came from China (that's why there's a huge chinse population in Toronto). With this type of new asian mall, it can get immigrants to start working in their home tongue and once they are comfortable with English, they can certainly be qualified for any other jobs out there.
As if the traffic congestion (and risk of accident) isn't bad enough in that area already. - Mista Chin
- Agreed. The traffic around Steeles and Kennedy is ridiculous! I try to avoid going that route because well, it just sucks being in traffic.
Instead, like Scarborough Town Centre and Yorkdale, I think the city should develop an RT type route for any body who doesn't want to be stuck in traffic all the time.
You're wrong, Medley [in repsonse to another reader].
First, your comparison of Little Italy and Greektown to these Chinese malls is ridiculous. The merchants in these areas FULLY understand the need to be inclusive, and they rarely (if ever) post signage in their mother tongues only. Conversely, these malls have virtually zero English signage, and that makes them both a safety hazard and an affront our ethnically diverse community. (How are EMS, police and firefighters supposed to find a business that displays its signage in Chines only???) These business DO discourage non-Chinese clientele by excluding the use of (at least one of) our OFFICIAL languages, and I certainly won't set foot in a place that doesn't appear to want my business. Unlike the other ethnic groups in this city, these malls are clearly designed to appeal to one ethnic group only. - Rossvegas
- When I first read this comment, I felt like punching whoever wrote this. There were TONS - and I mean TONS of racist comments that are yes, 1. arguable but 2. just descriminatory!
I would agree with RossVegas that yes, you can't compare this new area to Little Italy or Greektown. I would agree, Little Italy doesn't exclude any other races out there because their signs aren't in their language... BUT this reader obviously hasn't actually been in Pmall!!!
I'm not Chinese myself but I go there. It's a decent mall and I can certainly speak to anyone who works there in English.
Secondly, the signs - especially emergency signs - are all in English! All signs in pmall are all in English (and Chinese writing follows)!
Thirdly, there have been mixed races roaming around pmall. The market in pmall isn't only inclusive to the Chinese but to all races. Why would you think that a BUSSINESS would reject consumers from coming in and purchasing their product??!?!?!?!??!!?
I can't believe people are actually disputing that this mall is racist. I really can't believe that!
So I guess in conclusion to this whole asian mall thing, I think it would be a great way to boost tourism and also build a more modernized "chinatown" as you may call it, just as long as the traffic and congestion in the area is resolved.
Oh and yes, the city of Toronto workers are on strike. No more garbage pick up nor babysitting. Is this strike neccessary? Yes. Is it good timing? Nooooooooo, not at all.
My friend, Sam works for the City of Toronto. He inspects the quality level of surrouding water bodies in Toronto. He agrees with his union. I agree with them.
I think the city didn't take the union seriously when they proposed to keep these bank sick days. Hey, I say why not let them keep it?! I mean, these city workers work hard like any other jobs out there and they should be qualified to keep them. They are the backbones to the city so I say, appreciate them.
Rossvegas is a big bitch
lol but holy crap super pacific mall on the rise.
now thats exciting. they want to ATTEMPT to build a mini downtown hongkong on steeles. GL with that lollll