So, starting to blog :)
My weekend was very much relaxing! I didn't do any homework (since I only have a few things that I just have to finish up) so this weekend was all about moi :)
I will be leaving for China on June 27 (date may change upon availability) to escort my mother to see her friends who is diagnosed with some sort of cancer. Yep, free trip to China? YEAHHHH! hahaha I'll be leaving for only 10 days :)
My friend, Katelyn is also leaving for vacation - going on a Mediterranean cruise for 10 days, then heading out to Germany for 2 weeks - so we decided to plan a date for shopping for our trip :) After class and doing errands with my parents, I headed dt on Queen to shop. To tell you the truth, I am very disapointed with the selection they had :( Nonetheless, I bought 4 dresses :)
I then met up with Katelyn at Eaton's centre. We shopped around a bit... and then headed out to Everest to enjoy the summer evening outside in the patio :) We had a pitcher of white sangria to ourselves :) hahaha
After, we headed home.. holy crap! did anyone know that the subway stops working at Eglinton, going north?!?!?!? We had to leave the subway and head out to this overly cramped shuttle bus that brought us to Finch Station! Damn you TTC! hahah it's ok thought, we youtubed the whole way up
The next day, Joo and I had our weekly date (this is where we spend time alone with eachother, either for dinner or doing something active - and eventhough we do spend a lot of time together, it's mostly with friends. We wanted to see the free cirque-du-soliel show at the Harbourfront which was part of the Luminato festival. We couldn't make it on time so we just went to a show that I found online.

5/5 stars! Yep, that's what I gave it! Incredibly spectacular! Unfortunately, we went to their last show in Toronto so you're unable to see it.. but if it does come back to TO, then I would definately recommend you seeing it! Just think of the dark musical Sweeney Todd but in a live theatre (and well, the plot is obviously different).
I liked every aspect it! The costumes were incredibly suiting to the dark comical musical, the music was appropriate and at times catchy... and the choreography was left to your imagination!
I would have to say, out of all live shows I've been to - two cirque du soleil shows, blueman group a few others, I love this one the best! (well except the blueman group, that was more entertaining thus.. i guess you would categorize it differently)
After the show, we headed up to Destiny to chill with Kleenex (lol, dorky, if you don't like me call you and Mr. Ing Kleenex, let me know :) ) We had some major big 2 competitions and of course, Alex takes the night with most of the wins, then me, then Kaleena and poor jooyong was last! haahah whatever, he was being cocky about it so he deserved all of the shitty hands! hahaha
On Sunday, me, Joo, Justin and Riyad ate brunch at cora's then headed out to a driving range! I didn't know that there was one near my house! lol I got to practice my non existant golfing skills. I think I'm going to buy a set of cheap clubs to practice my golfing skills. I'm very excited :)
After the range, we headed over to Joo friend's house to chill and enjoy the warm weather again. I had to go home a little bit to celebrate my father's birthday then headed out again.
So far, I love summer weekends :)
ps. I love how blogger saves your blog every like, 2 mins!
see u in an hour LOL