Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The other day...

I was driving through Main St. Unionville. It was a beautiful cloudless evening. The sky was shades of purple, orange and yellow. This sort of rustic, antique emotion came over me. That was when I appreciated the colours of the autumn breeze.
As I passed the railway tracks, I noticed a couple, followed by a photographer, walking down the tracks. It gave me this warm feeling that I have never felt before. I thought to myself... that this would be a perfect place for engagement photos.
I think I'm getting to that age where everyone around me is growing up! This is the age where everyone is either in their last years of school and is getting ready to graduate or has already graduated and started/found a full time position at where they want to be in their life. We grown up.
That scares me.

On to something new... It's been about a week since I blogged... For some sort of reason, I only blog at work, well, because... 1. I'm bored 2. This is the only time I get to recollect my thoughts and surf the net freely without any stress of homework, homework and more homework.

sidenote: On the topic of homework... I do apologize to all my friends who hasn't seen me since school started. I didn't know that the workload for this program would be so tough on me. Even though I won't see you as much as I would like to, I will for sure be in contact via fb (of course), twitter, and texting if you need me. && I will definately reorganize my schedule for all birthday celebrations! that means that you HAVE to celebrate your birthday this year *ahemkayahem*

Anyhow... frig, I absolutely forgot about what I was supposed to say prior to the side note... damn! haha i'm horrible.. my thoughts are all jumbled up now...
ok... so since I haven't seen you lovelies in quite some time, I guess I'll categorize my life thus far... I'll start off with:

Yeah, so it's been hectic so far.. I have tons of things to do every single night. I just finished a project for a promo card for the ROM which I find was easy yet complicated at the same time. Other people's stuff in class has been quite excellent!
My next project is a poster for a shakespeare play. I think I'm going to Romeo&Juliet. I think that reflects my personality a bit more...
I'm thinking of starting a new blog that features my work. I don't really care of people take my ideas or not because all this stuff for school doesn't really count anyway. But most importantly, I'd like feedback about my work.

If it weren't for his support, I think i would've gone mad.
We've been really strong these past couple of months... I would say stronger than ever... Our 4 year mark is coming up :)

The non-existant social life:
Last weekend, I wanted to go to Nuit Blanche but due to my sickness, I couldn't go. I stayed in and watched some bleach with joo instead. It's ok, I heard it was shit anyway.
Surprisingly, I don't even want to go out any more. Sometimes I just want to snuggle in bed with my laptop and simultaneously do homework, go on rc and watch bleach at the same time lol I know, I'm such a nerd *snort snort lol

I can't wait! October is usually the time where Lil plans her bday.... & the next week is Kay's.... and then it's mine, Rico's and Sam's, not to mention xmas, new years... and BAM! a new semester starts and the cycle goes around again!
This is usually the month where every thing goes by in a flash for me.

So i guess this is it. I really wanted to blog about this one topic but I couldn't find the appropriate pictures for (very key). Until then, have a lovely day my loves! =)

****edit edit
I absolutely forgot to metion about my time at the gym! lol this was the topic I was supposed to blog about earlier haha

I think it was two weeks ago... that I tried on this beautiful, very sophisticated dress at le chateau... when I tried it on, it didn't fit me :(
At this point, I came to the realization that I need to work out more. I need to dedicate my life to a lifestyle that keeps me healthy and active... especially because I want to fit into cute dresses and clothes.
I've been going to the gym ever since. I notice that my bodypump class has helped me to become stronger. It has also toned my muscles a lot more.
Yesterday night, I was showing Joo the new moves I learned from my bodycombat class. (They integrated this dragon ball z move which I find so funny lol) In the same class, they make us do pushups right before our cool down. I wanted to show Joo my push up form to see if I was doing push ups correctly. I usually do the "girly" pushups where I'm on my knees... I was about to show him that but then he was like,
"Why don't you do it the normal way... start off strong and work your way up... because that's the only way you can go!"
Well, he didn't exactly say that lol he only said for me to do the push ups normally but the expression on his face told me that I can do it and that if I try hard enough, I will suceed my goal.
I go on the floor, started to do push ups. I showed him the push ups where I go half way down, up, fully down and then up again.
He then challenged to do as many push ups as I can (no cheating!) so I go on the floor again and counted... 1..2..3...4......5.........6........7! phew! It might not mean a lot to you but 7 pushups for me was a huge accomplishment! Jooyong was very proud of me... and I think that's where the motivation starts.
From now on, I'm going to work on my pushups every night, regardless if I go to the gym or not. My goal is to increase my number of pushups by 5 every week.
I love going to the gym now. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I go. I feel a lot stronger. Even though my weight hasn't changed, I feel as if my body is getting trimmer and a lot "neater." This is my motivation.

1 comment:

  1. yay for engagement pictures that are not to be taken for another couple of years!!! lolllll

    "im such a nerd snort snort" HAHAHA that made me giggle really loudly at work.

    lets just celebrate everyone's bday and skip out on mine lol. then it'll be like having FOUR celebrations instead of one if i'm there at all of em ahha

    I'm also glad to hear that you're very dedicated and working hard at the gym!!! not to mention you can feel/see results, that is so awesome. i can't wait until this rash goes away so i can start at it again. im planning on asking if i can leave an hour early on tues&thurs so i can do a double combat&pump, pump&combat and make up my time on mons&weds. we can do it!!!!!

    btw i can only do like two girly pushups, so seven is wicked in my book. lol

    && no worries about the whole school being busy thing. i used that reason for four whole years and you guys still stuck with me haha two years is nothinG! l'll see u soon whenever u are good =]
