Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm sorry, I had to post this. I stole this off of my sister's fb page.. and I absolutely wanted to take it, post it on my fb and tag all of my friends!! haha - but no. I can't. I'm not an adolescent anymore! lol

Back to school tmr. Yep, I don't think I'm quite anxious to go back to school as the last break. I do miss all of my school friends... pure jokes in class... but I'm not looking forward to the work. && I'm not looking foward to 9:30am classes Wed through Friday. Boos to that. Not to mention, work at 9am Mon & Tuesday - no sleeping in until the weekend??!?! That's FIVE days without sleeping in!!! double boo to that.

On another topic

On Friday, I had the most amazing double date with the dorkkly and her mista mista. It's been quite a while since we actually chilled. The last time was during the spring/summer for a last min date at the taste of danforth. & the most wonderful thing about our date was that it didn't cost very much - which was good for everyone!
I swear, I think us ando ur twin couple can be on the dirtiest, most cheapest date and still have fun! I loves it!
Who ever thought that Chinese food court food plus some Chinese desserts and poker/big 2 would be so chillin' as a date? WE DOOO!! lol
I hope we do it again :)

Saturday was a good night. Random but good! lol It felt like forever since I saw Mr. Rob-O Cop and the re re. We had dinner at Moxies then made a last min decision to go to a club... in PICKERING!!! lol I didn't even know that Pickering had a club! lol
We went to this place called Jukebox .. and it wasn't bad. It was a nice scene change. Think of Nava. Yep, just like that.
I was smoking outside by myself at one point and this guy came up to me and offered me a light. The first thing I thought was, "Oh gosh, another 'light' situation" (Dorkkly would know what I'm talking about and if you don't, Kay, then think of autorama!!! LOL). And yes, it was one of those "hey, you wanna light so I have a reason to talk to you" type of thing. This guys was probably in his 30s and knew very well that I was in my early 20s. It was stupid because he just carried on a conversation that was going no where. I mean, if a girl gives you one word answers and tells you that she's TAKEN and that she's serious about it, then you would get the hint, right? Nope! What a dumbass! He kept talking to me about stupid shit and when I finally finished my cig, he followed me inside. Thankfully, I found ms re re and the rob-o cop. Even still, when he saw me with them, he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away. I think it wasn't until he saw the oh-so muscular rob-o cop that he left. lol
Anyhow, the club isn't bad. I mean, the music stopped for a lil' while (technicial difficulties) and there was actually a mix of people there - and when I say mix, I mean white and black - me and re were the only asian/brown people there lol

Sunday was a nice relaxing day. Cher came over to finish some last min homework while I was making some yummy lasagna. I missed her so much! I can't wait to see everyone.
Surprisingly, the joo joo has been starting to be eating healthy. He actually bought some fruits to make some fruit shakes and actually bought whole wheat lasagna pasta! lol I think he realizes that he's getting flubby lol

So I hope I satisfied your blog addiction! I might blog later in the day if it gets really slow at work. See ya! =)

1 comment:

  1. "I think he realizes that he's getting flubby lol" hahah awwww! no more sweet dumplings for him! get him FRUIT next time hahah!

    mr. rob-o-cop <= made me laugh out loud hahah!!!!!

    and yes definitely a encore of our epic night!!!! perhaps wings and then some more afterwards for next time haha!
