I've haven't been updating my blog as much I want to. Whenever I feel like I want to blog about something that's important, I don't have my lap top with me (and i'm too lazy to actually write things down and then type it up again.. blah blah blah) BUT i have been itching to blog.. regardless if it's just bs out of my bum! lol
so... what is the first thing on my mind?
1. I love working out. Eventhough I hate cardio, I love weight training and encourage both male and females to weight train.
I've been going to this body pump class (as mentioned in earlier posts) for almost 3-4 weeks now.. either twice or once a week.. along with bodycombat (a martial arts class with cardio) and I can feel myself slimming down :)
My bum is firmer ;) and my waist line is shrinking.. not a lot.. but still shrinking! My arms are a little toned.. and when I flex, you can see muscles!!!!!!! i'm so happy! I feel so much better about myself!
2. My number 1 stalker on fb is.. well, surprising! and creepy all at the same time! haha
3. I can't wait until Florida! I checked out the resort that I will be staying at (for free, thanks to Justin mom's time share!). I love it!
4. I'm not feeling caribana this year. maybe it's the weather... or just my lack of soca songs this year... regardless, (even though I told Re I would be going), I will not. I'm sorry!
5. School is average. I still love what I do. I don't have much homework but I've been occupying my supposed homework time by replacing it with gym time :D yaaayy for a healthier me! lol
6. I finally bought my geisha liquid eye liner! I tested it out while I was in the pool at Josh's and yes, it actually does work! I didn't have racoon eyes... HOWEVER, it didn't stay on :(
7. Ok, I am an RC (restaurant city) addict. Yes, I am. I'm on there whenever I have a computer in front of me (well, except for when I'm working). Last night, I realized that it's taking me about 2 days to level up to higher levels! and no, I'm not cheap anymore! hahaha I actually pay my employees to eat instead of being cheap letting them "rest." lol Yesterday night, I broke my highest popularity rating with 47.8 out of 50!!!!!!!! YAAAYYY FOR GOOD MANAGEMENT! lol
lol so i guess that's it? i'm hungy. I want to go on lunch soon.
so until later, *tata!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009

I heard pretty good reviews about this movie.. and yes, it didn't disapoint me at all. Some of the scenes were a tad cheesy.. and some you could really tell that they were "acting." but overall, it wasn't so bad.
Sandra Bullock is pretty funny... she really fit the whole "bitch boss" type of role... and I thought they had good chemestry.
The movie itself was predictable, as KB mentioned it... She usually watches a lof romantic comedy so she should know better. however, with me, i'm not an expert like her so i thought it was good.
So that's my review :)

My friend had a heated pool so once me and KB got trashed, we jumped into the pool, hoping people would join us so we didn't look like losers.. and yes, they did! hahaha a whole bunch of people! hahah we didn't even care if people were watching us.. cuz we were pretty smashed! lol
The next day, there were food (and lot sof liquor) leftover so whoever slept over decided to continue the party... there were only... i say... 12 ppl there so it was nice and intimate.. the music was blasting, the pool was warm... and we were once again, drunk out of our minds by 3pm lol
we were so trashed that we invited this game where you would put the noodle in between your legs and peddle like you're on a bicycle. lol we played tag. hahaha since you weren't swimming, you had to peddle really really hard to get where you want to go... we literally felt retarded because we were going so slow but it was sooo much fun! hahhahah we played tag like this for at least 3 hrs! hahahaah
i was sooo tired once i got home yesterday that i just slept... some thing with joo. lol it was a fun yet exhausting weekend.
Things I'm looking forward to:
- Niagara Trip!
- Justin/Whitney/Faith's Birthday Cruise!
- FLORIDA!!! yaaaayyyy!
Until later, *tata!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The thing with Viet ppl
Throughout my life, I had a fit body. It was because of my vigorous training with dragonboat during highschool that left with a 32-21-28 size. I had a busty upper body with a thing waist. Like any other student out there, after highschool and entering university, I started to gain weight and I truly didn't care. I thought to myself, "oh, what's 5 pounds here and there?!" so I started to just eat what I normally ate with no exercise, thinking that my metabolism would stay the same. Boy, was I wrong.
In highschool, I fluctuated from 105 - 110. In university, I gained 10 more gains... I remember my highest weight was 125. On a 4'11" girl, that's huge! But, for some sort of reason, I didn't mind. I didn't mind because my loving boyfriend didn't care about how much I weighed or how much I ate. In fact, he told me to eat comfortably... because he wanted me to be happy.
Whenever my parents friends come over for dinner, they've always nagged to my mom for me to lose weight. I ignored them because i truthfully did not care what they thought of me. I mean, these people were friggin' evil. They would talk about me in front of my face, saying how fat I am... and how it reflects on my mom. (My mom gained weight after having my twin sisters, lost it, then gained weight again after my baby brother)
It was not until yesterday night that my mom told me to lose weight. That crushed me. It was like as if she was siding on their side. and it sucks because well, it friggin' sucks when your own mom is disatisfied/embarassed with her own daughter.
I started to cry.
I started to cry because it really hurt me, to have my own mother say this. Even though, at times I have such thick skin, I felt like having this sort of burden on my mother was hurting her, even though it was not her body.
I would get frustrated at the fact that these friggin' viet ppl would be so superficial about how they looked. It friggin' bothers me that how these viet ppl are so vain that i truly do not want to associate with ANY viet ppl at all!
and it's not my parents friends, it's all viet ppl who grew up in canada/north america. They are so materalistic, so fake - always having pounds of make up on, pushing up their non-existant boobs with a skinny stick, and a friggin' blonde wig. It's annoying. It's friggin' annoying because I do not want to conform into something like an "white-like asian barbie." I don't. I really don't.
Lately, I've been feeling shitty because I do want to go back to my old body in highschool. Not because of anyone, but because of myself. I want to fit into jeans with no fat hanging out... I want to fit beautiful tops without my boobs busting the buttons out. I want to feel comfortable in a swimsuit without trying to cover up my belly. I want to be confident, healthy and slim.
and plus, I've been nagging to Joo about my body.. and how much weight I gained.. and I think he's starting to get really annoyed by my nagging about it. He sees that it's a touchy subject for me so he tries to go out about it in different ways. He loves my body the way it is. But because of my nagging, I don't think he can take it anymore. Ultimately, he told me, "miztran, if you are unhappy with it, then do something about it."
It hit like a ton of bricks, yes, I should stop with my nagging, with my stupid diets and yes, do something about it.
I've been at the gym 5 days a week, trying to eat healthy and I hope it pays off.
I can't be bother with trendy diets that forces you to go no where. I can't be bothered with those stupid diet pills that creates massive headaches.
I'm going to do it the smart way. Change my lifestyle for the better.
Quote of the day:
"Just Jarrrred"
(meant to be jared, as the name, not the past tense noun)
Ok, i gotta do my english stuff before i get off work. I'll blog you later! *tata!
In highschool, I fluctuated from 105 - 110. In university, I gained 10 more gains... I remember my highest weight was 125. On a 4'11" girl, that's huge! But, for some sort of reason, I didn't mind. I didn't mind because my loving boyfriend didn't care about how much I weighed or how much I ate. In fact, he told me to eat comfortably... because he wanted me to be happy.
Whenever my parents friends come over for dinner, they've always nagged to my mom for me to lose weight. I ignored them because i truthfully did not care what they thought of me. I mean, these people were friggin' evil. They would talk about me in front of my face, saying how fat I am... and how it reflects on my mom. (My mom gained weight after having my twin sisters, lost it, then gained weight again after my baby brother)
It was not until yesterday night that my mom told me to lose weight. That crushed me. It was like as if she was siding on their side. and it sucks because well, it friggin' sucks when your own mom is disatisfied/embarassed with her own daughter.
I started to cry.
I started to cry because it really hurt me, to have my own mother say this. Even though, at times I have such thick skin, I felt like having this sort of burden on my mother was hurting her, even though it was not her body.
I would get frustrated at the fact that these friggin' viet ppl would be so superficial about how they looked. It friggin' bothers me that how these viet ppl are so vain that i truly do not want to associate with ANY viet ppl at all!
and it's not my parents friends, it's all viet ppl who grew up in canada/north america. They are so materalistic, so fake - always having pounds of make up on, pushing up their non-existant boobs with a skinny stick, and a friggin' blonde wig. It's annoying. It's friggin' annoying because I do not want to conform into something like an "white-like asian barbie." I don't. I really don't.
Lately, I've been feeling shitty because I do want to go back to my old body in highschool. Not because of anyone, but because of myself. I want to fit into jeans with no fat hanging out... I want to fit beautiful tops without my boobs busting the buttons out. I want to feel comfortable in a swimsuit without trying to cover up my belly. I want to be confident, healthy and slim.
and plus, I've been nagging to Joo about my body.. and how much weight I gained.. and I think he's starting to get really annoyed by my nagging about it. He sees that it's a touchy subject for me so he tries to go out about it in different ways. He loves my body the way it is. But because of my nagging, I don't think he can take it anymore. Ultimately, he told me, "miztran, if you are unhappy with it, then do something about it."
It hit like a ton of bricks, yes, I should stop with my nagging, with my stupid diets and yes, do something about it.
I've been at the gym 5 days a week, trying to eat healthy and I hope it pays off.
I can't be bother with trendy diets that forces you to go no where. I can't be bothered with those stupid diet pills that creates massive headaches.
I'm going to do it the smart way. Change my lifestyle for the better.
Quote of the day:
"Just Jarrrred"
(meant to be jared, as the name, not the past tense noun)
Ok, i gotta do my english stuff before i get off work. I'll blog you later! *tata!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bloom Restaurant SUCKS; Auberge du Pommier was AWESOME!
Me and Rhe were planning to go out for a very beautiful date, just us two. We decided to hit up a summerlicious restaurant. My co worker told me to try to Bloom Restaurant because it was really popular a year ago. So I call them on Friday night to make reservations for Saturday night. Called them, ring ring ring... no answer. I left a vm, specifically telling them to call me back to confirm reservations. The afternoon after, I didn't receive a call. No big deal, right? They were busy. Fine. I called them back, indicating that I left a vm. The host apologized and confirmed reservations for 9pm.
That night, it took me 45 mins to figure out a sophisiticated yet sexy outfit for my date, rhe. We travelled all the way to Jane & Bloor and got there 10 mins to 9. We waited.. and finally the hostess greeted us. I told her we had reservations at 9pm. It turned out that the table prior to us had come late and they're just finishing off with tea so she told us to come back in 15 mins, and for sure, there will a table available for us. Fine. We walked around, chatted a bit then after about 20 mins, we come back. We wait again.. she said, "sorry but they're not done now. But here's our card so call us!" WTF!?!?!?!?!?!? We travel all the way, made reservations and this is what we get?!?!?! I didn't even touch the food yet and I will tell you that I will NOT be returning to the effin' restaurant! I chucked the business card on the floor! Ugh, we were so mad!
At that time, it was alreayd 9:30 pm and most restaurants were going to close. So we travelled all the way uptown to go to marlowes. We got there at 2mins past 10pm. The hostess said since it's past 10pm, we have to pay a $10 entrance fee. WTF!?!?!!? Starving, we sucked it up. We had dinner over loud music... not to mention how friggin' expensive dinner and drinks were!
This was our first time at Marlowe and I would have to say, well it's a really modern and sophisticated venue. Although there was an older crowd - early 30s to 50s - who party there, it wasn't that bad.
hahahah there was these two guys - prob in their mid to late 30s - who were talking to us and bs-ed their whole story! hahaha oh gosh... it was an interesting night.
Auberge du Pommier
I initially wanted to go to this restaurant with rhe on Saturday night but they were all booked out. Joo's friend wanted to set up a double date on Sunday so I suggested to go to a summerlicious restaurant. We confirmed reservations at Auberge due Pommier for 7:45pm.
Let me tell you, the ambience and the food was absolutely delicious! lol (although I don't know how ambience can be delicous! hahah)
I had the chilled green pea soup with golden tomato purée and herb poached shellfish to start, herb roasted loin of grass fed veal with French coco beans, organic roots and basil pesto for my main course & the rustic peach tart with summer flower honey and almond ice cream to end it off. It was incredibly delicious! My appetizer tasted like a Vietnamese spring roll but in a soup, my entree was nicely tender and appetizing! and the tart was so warm, especially when juxtaposed with the almond ice, which just melts in your mouth... mmmm Now i wanna go back....
But anyhow, that was weekend :)
That night, it took me 45 mins to figure out a sophisiticated yet sexy outfit for my date, rhe. We travelled all the way to Jane & Bloor and got there 10 mins to 9. We waited.. and finally the hostess greeted us. I told her we had reservations at 9pm. It turned out that the table prior to us had come late and they're just finishing off with tea so she told us to come back in 15 mins, and for sure, there will a table available for us. Fine. We walked around, chatted a bit then after about 20 mins, we come back. We wait again.. she said, "sorry but they're not done now. But here's our card so call us!" WTF!?!?!?!?!?!? We travel all the way, made reservations and this is what we get?!?!?! I didn't even touch the food yet and I will tell you that I will NOT be returning to the effin' restaurant! I chucked the business card on the floor! Ugh, we were so mad!
At that time, it was alreayd 9:30 pm and most restaurants were going to close. So we travelled all the way uptown to go to marlowes. We got there at 2mins past 10pm. The hostess said since it's past 10pm, we have to pay a $10 entrance fee. WTF!?!?!!? Starving, we sucked it up. We had dinner over loud music... not to mention how friggin' expensive dinner and drinks were!
This was our first time at Marlowe and I would have to say, well it's a really modern and sophisticated venue. Although there was an older crowd - early 30s to 50s - who party there, it wasn't that bad.
hahahah there was these two guys - prob in their mid to late 30s - who were talking to us and bs-ed their whole story! hahaha oh gosh... it was an interesting night.
Auberge du Pommier

Let me tell you, the ambience and the food was absolutely delicious! lol (although I don't know how ambience can be delicous! hahah)
I had the chilled green pea soup with golden tomato purée and herb poached shellfish to start, herb roasted loin of grass fed veal with French coco beans, organic roots and basil pesto for my main course & the rustic peach tart with summer flower honey and almond ice cream to end it off. It was incredibly delicious! My appetizer tasted like a Vietnamese spring roll but in a soup, my entree was nicely tender and appetizing! and the tart was so warm, especially when juxtaposed with the almond ice, which just melts in your mouth... mmmm Now i wanna go back....
But anyhow, that was weekend :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Coco Chanel
*side note: I know that my page is pretty whack.. especially my font selection - first it's Georgia then times new roman. lol not to worry, I'm not oblivious to this. Hopefully once I get the time to do a new layout, it will be better.
Yesterday night, I finished watching a movie based on Coco Chanel. It was a very good movie! If you're interested in history and how Coco became to be in the fashion plus a side story of her love life, you'll like this movie. However, like any other biographical movies, not all information is accurate so beware. I took this movie in as entertainment only.
I didn't know a lot of about Coco and how she revolutionized fashion for women until I saw this movie. It makes me to appreciate Coco on a higher level than before. So here's a brief history (in point form) about her:
- her mother died when she was 6 years old; after her mother's death, her father abandoned her and left her in an orphange; years later, she later found out that her father had remarried and had other children
- during her time at the orphanage, she learned how to sew; when she was 18 years old, she left the orphanage and started working 11 hour days under a seamstress
- she met a leutenant, moved in with him in his chalet; she soon fell in love with his best friend
- after when her lover found out that she was having an affair, she moved to Paris to start her own hat shop with the help of her ex lover's best friend
- her hat shop became very successful; she soon opened a clothing line that didn't incorporate uncomfortable corsettes and heavy clothing; her motto was comfortable clothing for women by women, and not for the enjoyment of men; with her new clothing line, she started using more soft and comfortable fabric where women can dress themselves; with this, she developed the first "pant" for women
- she also developed her famous line of perfume. chanel no. 5; in addition, she invented the very first black dress
Coco Chanel has not only revolutionized the fashion world but also was the first to introduce women to gender rights and morals which we call today at feminism. Because of this, I do admire her. She was a business woman who did not have to rely on men for financial aid. She was independant, out spoken and intelligent - every thing that I think women should possess or learn to possess.
Enough of that
Yesterday night, I went to a class at goodlife called BodyCOMBAT. After falling in love with a class that incorporates weight training, BodyPUMP, I decided to check other classes to try to fall in love with cardio again. BodyCOMBAT is a cardio class that includes martial arts such as karate, tai chi, kick boxing etc etc. All I can say is, ouch! I'm aching all over the place now! I'm not sure if I like the class in its entirety but it is a good work out. If you don't like doing cardio like me, this is definately an alternative to consider.
There are different techniques of trying to lose weight. I think people say that the most effective way to lose weight is to do with a lot of cardio. Cardio is a good work out but it's really tedious and not fun at all. However, just running isn't going to cut it. I do believe that the most effective way to lose weight by doing cardio is to have your heart rate increase and decrease in a short amount of time. For instance, sprinting for 3 mins, jogging for 3 mins, sprinting and jogging. Yeah, I know, boring right? This class incorporates this technique. Not only are you doing kicks, punches and other things, you're actually having a lot of fun!
I can't wait until my cousin joins so we can enjoy and encourage eachother. It's always better to have a friend (or cousin!) to help you motivate! :)
Today, the property managers of my building at work is having a free bbq for all tenants! yaaayyyy! Supposedly, they do this annually during the summer for 2 hours. There will a mini putt, volleyball court a batting cage, all free for this! lol
Today will be the most unproductive day for the building hahaha
I will twitter the events so look out for them! :D

I didn't know a lot of about Coco and how she revolutionized fashion for women until I saw this movie. It makes me to appreciate Coco on a higher level than before. So here's a brief history (in point form) about her:
- her mother died when she was 6 years old; after her mother's death, her father abandoned her and left her in an orphange; years later, she later found out that her father had remarried and had other children
- during her time at the orphanage, she learned how to sew; when she was 18 years old, she left the orphanage and started working 11 hour days under a seamstress
- she met a leutenant, moved in with him in his chalet; she soon fell in love with his best friend
- after when her lover found out that she was having an affair, she moved to Paris to start her own hat shop with the help of her ex lover's best friend
- her hat shop became very successful; she soon opened a clothing line that didn't incorporate uncomfortable corsettes and heavy clothing; her motto was comfortable clothing for women by women, and not for the enjoyment of men; with her new clothing line, she started using more soft and comfortable fabric where women can dress themselves; with this, she developed the first "pant" for women
- she also developed her famous line of perfume. chanel no. 5; in addition, she invented the very first black dress
Coco Chanel has not only revolutionized the fashion world but also was the first to introduce women to gender rights and morals which we call today at feminism. Because of this, I do admire her. She was a business woman who did not have to rely on men for financial aid. She was independant, out spoken and intelligent - every thing that I think women should possess or learn to possess.
Enough of that
Yesterday night, I went to a class at goodlife called BodyCOMBAT. After falling in love with a class that incorporates weight training, BodyPUMP, I decided to check other classes to try to fall in love with cardio again. BodyCOMBAT is a cardio class that includes martial arts such as karate, tai chi, kick boxing etc etc. All I can say is, ouch! I'm aching all over the place now! I'm not sure if I like the class in its entirety but it is a good work out. If you don't like doing cardio like me, this is definately an alternative to consider.
There are different techniques of trying to lose weight. I think people say that the most effective way to lose weight is to do with a lot of cardio. Cardio is a good work out but it's really tedious and not fun at all. However, just running isn't going to cut it. I do believe that the most effective way to lose weight by doing cardio is to have your heart rate increase and decrease in a short amount of time. For instance, sprinting for 3 mins, jogging for 3 mins, sprinting and jogging. Yeah, I know, boring right? This class incorporates this technique. Not only are you doing kicks, punches and other things, you're actually having a lot of fun!
I can't wait until my cousin joins so we can enjoy and encourage eachother. It's always better to have a friend (or cousin!) to help you motivate! :)
Today, the property managers of my building at work is having a free bbq for all tenants! yaaayyyy! Supposedly, they do this annually during the summer for 2 hours. There will a mini putt, volleyball court a batting cage, all free for this! lol
Today will be the most unproductive day for the building hahaha
I will twitter the events so look out for them! :D
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Cottage

- sitting by the river (picture on the left). I come to realize that ice cold fruitopia and vodka is pretty damn delicious!
- taking halfshots of vodka and random mixers are the best, especially when you're playing "I've never!" lol
- enjoying the summer night by the bonfire and roasting some gooey, melted smores
- the fire pit caught on fire... and so did the grass... everything was on fire but no one really gave a damn! hahaa
- wrestling sam and rico for a spot on the floor!
- waking up and baking :)
- boated around the river and caught some fishes to eat!
- kayaking up and down the river
- jamaican hot boxed the shit out of the sauna :D
Yeah! Just imagine doing that and other things within 24 hours!
and yes, I was roughin' it up a little (la doesn't have a shower there) but it felt nice.
lol that reminds me... the other day, i asked my bf if we would like to join me in the show "Amazing Race." Just in case you don't know what it is, it's basically a race where a couple - either siblings, couple, etc etc - races around the world, carrying all their belongings with them and roughs it up... I guess it's just kinda like a back packing race around the world. anyhow, so I asked him if he would like to be my other half to win the prize. He said that I am too much of a city person to do all this camping thing. And yes, i agree. I am comfortable with being clean all the time. However, this trip has tested my out doors thing.. and let me tell you... it's not all that bad! :D Next time, I'm going to stay in the tent :) *wish me luck! hahaha
Anyhow, I think that's it!
** I just realized that there are only 6 more weeks until summer! aaaahhhh, where did all the time goooo?!?!? :(
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
One thing I hate...
Racism. I hate it with a passion. You might have read in my older blog postings about racism some way or the other. Recently, I have come to the realization that I cannot - and I mean cannot - tolerate any descriminatory or racist remarks.
For example: When I went to London (Ontario) a few months ago, we met up with Justin's ex roomie, Ryan. Me and Rico really had to go to the washroom so me and him headed upstairs to his condo to use the toilet. His roomie wasn't there yet because he was talking to Justin and other ppl downstairs. So Rico beats me to the washroom first (of course). I walk to the living room and sit down, patiently. Ryan's room mate comes in looked at me... I said hi, with a cheerful smile. She said hi back. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Well, as it turns out, Ryan told me that she hated me?!!?!?!? Yes, HATED ME! Here's the thing. He told me that she hated me because I was sitting on her couch. Yep. She said I was shady. wtf? shady? Would you consider a small asian girl, sitting quietly on a couch, shady???!!! I guess she's not used to seeing someone out of her kind.
Here's what bugs me - she stereotyped all asians. But I wonder, what do you connotate asians with? Rice? Chinese food? From what I know, asians do not have any negative connotations (except for bad driving lol). Yet, she felt like I was shady because I was not white.
Now now, I'm not saying that all white people are racist. Not at all! I'm saying that racism is still in our society even though a lot of people think that it has diminished.
Good thing I live in Toronto, a city that invites and welcomes all cultures and races. I would hate to live in London. Friggin' London!
On another note: recently, the "m" word has come up. "M" as in marriage. Yep. Me and boyfriend have been happily together for almost 3 and half years now. No major problems... nothing at all. Yet, a lot of friends and FAMILY have been majorly pushing us the question of marriage.
To tell you the truth, I'm not ready nor will I be ready to marry anyone in 3 years.
Another Random Thought:
I really love graphic design. I don't think I have been this passionate about something since... well I don't really know.
Ok, I know that I said that I would post my work up... and yes, I have been utterly lazy during my study week. For sure, I will post them up some time this week :)
Ok that's all folks! *tata!
For example: When I went to London (Ontario) a few months ago, we met up with Justin's ex roomie, Ryan. Me and Rico really had to go to the washroom so me and him headed upstairs to his condo to use the toilet. His roomie wasn't there yet because he was talking to Justin and other ppl downstairs. So Rico beats me to the washroom first (of course). I walk to the living room and sit down, patiently. Ryan's room mate comes in looked at me... I said hi, with a cheerful smile. She said hi back. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Well, as it turns out, Ryan told me that she hated me?!!?!?!? Yes, HATED ME! Here's the thing. He told me that she hated me because I was sitting on her couch. Yep. She said I was shady. wtf? shady? Would you consider a small asian girl, sitting quietly on a couch, shady???!!! I guess she's not used to seeing someone out of her kind.
Here's what bugs me - she stereotyped all asians. But I wonder, what do you connotate asians with? Rice? Chinese food? From what I know, asians do not have any negative connotations (except for bad driving lol). Yet, she felt like I was shady because I was not white.
Now now, I'm not saying that all white people are racist. Not at all! I'm saying that racism is still in our society even though a lot of people think that it has diminished.
Good thing I live in Toronto, a city that invites and welcomes all cultures and races. I would hate to live in London. Friggin' London!
On another note: recently, the "m" word has come up. "M" as in marriage. Yep. Me and boyfriend have been happily together for almost 3 and half years now. No major problems... nothing at all. Yet, a lot of friends and FAMILY have been majorly pushing us the question of marriage.
To tell you the truth, I'm not ready nor will I be ready to marry anyone in 3 years.
Another Random Thought:
I really love graphic design. I don't think I have been this passionate about something since... well I don't really know.
Ok, I know that I said that I would post my work up... and yes, I have been utterly lazy during my study week. For sure, I will post them up some time this week :)
Ok that's all folks! *tata!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Transformers 2 and more

*yawns. Yes, I fell asleep during the movie. Surprising?? yeaaahhh! I thought this movie was going to be gripping and intense like the first one.. but it wasn't at all!
See, this is what happens when you try to make a sequel to a movie where the 1st one was awesome and the following ones are just average. But anyhow, these are the reasons why I give it only a 3.5 - 4 stars and not a full 5.
Firstly, I didn't get into the plot or the characters. I think there was a lot of bouncing up and down between the transformers and Shia (Sam) in the beginning.
Secondly, I think Meagan Fox(xx <-- as my cousin refers her to lol) was pretty much really useless in the movie. She was definately a sex symbol in the movie.. kinda like how the girls are in Fast&Furious - Tokyo style was... an accessory.
Thirdly, it was wayyy tooo long for its own good! I kept falling asleep because it was like... meh.. nothing gripping!
HOWEVER, the graphics were friggin' awesome! I would have to give that to the them!
Shia LaBeouff (hopefully i spelt it right) was sooooo cute in the movie! I don't know why, but I love awkward guys like him! He was such sooooo awesomely cupcaked! lol
&& it was predictable.
That is all :)
So back to Meagan Fox... My cousin just vaguely on her blog that Meagan Fox is just sex. Yes, agreed! Through out the movie - as I mentioned before - she was just a sex accessory. It's sad that women are viewed like that... just as an object/accessory for only men's viewing. I'm not saying that guys aren't accessories as well.. but I think women are more proned to sell their body versus selling their talent.
*Prime example - Jessica Alba - C'mon now! You can't tell me that she's not hot. Every single guy friend (yes, including my bf) has/had an erotic fantasy with her in it. Right, that's fine. We all know that she's hot, sizzling and just burnt to crisp because she's that hot, right!?!? Yes, but she has no talent whatsoever! Have you seen her movies??!?!?!?! Best example? Her movie, Honey. It sucked like shit because her acting was shit. She was horrible.... but yet. It sold. Sin City, holy shit... her opening scene was when she was dancing on the table... in slow motion! She didn't even have a major part in the movie.. but yet it sold.
Now now, I'm not hating because I'm jealous. (ok, just tad bit) I'm hating because these women have the audacity to sell their body without any recognized talent. It pisses me off because women who don't have a fit body are being critisized and pressured into having an anorexic body even though they have talent.
I know that sex sells (who doesn't).. don't you think that this sex crazed era we're living in is just getting over the top? I mean, sex is sooo exposed nowadays that sex isn't even considered intimate anymore. It's just a means to jerk off and feel that 2 seconds of bliss... whereas sex should be more than that.
On a Brighter Note:
This weekend was pretty awesome! hahaha Friday night, I went to Skybar for 2 birthdays. I haven't been up there.. but it was really beautiful! You could see the Toronto skyline. It's a very seductive place, I must add. I've been to.. well not a lot of rooftop lounges/clubs. I've been to the Docks (upstairs) one.. but it was more of a smoking area.. even though the owners could easily turn that space into a lounge..... I also went to Rockwood (Grass area) and it was, well reallllyyyyy small.
Anyhow, Friday night.. was, as I mentioned, awesome! I had such a great time. The music was entirely old school (old school as in highschool days) with a mixture of current bumpin' beats. It was more of socializing thing than a club, I guess. A lot of my friends were just chatting it up... and it was a nice...
Saturday night, I went to my friends' grad/bday/going away to Korea party in Stoufville. Holy shit, THAT was a house party! lol One of those house parties where you only know certain people in your group and about 80% of ppl, you don't know. It was packed! There was food... a dj... and lots and lots of alcohol!
Sunday was random :) We went over to my friend's house for a small random bbq and bonfire :)
Other than that, I had a satisfying weekend... not to mention a pretty amazing study week. I wonder what other ppl were doing...?
So.. this summer... there's going to be a lot of awesome (<-- yes i know, awesome is the word of the day, today) days. So far, all of the weekends in August are booked.. and about half of the weekends in July are booked. So what am I looking forward to:
* Josh's pool party - Dorky, you have to come! it'll be really fun!
* Florida road trip! *thumbs up!
* Caribana
* tentative trip to Niagara Falls with the girls?
* Justin's birthday party - he might be doinga boat cruise!
Oh, how I love summer :)
oh ps. after only class of BodyPUMP @ goodlife.. I have muscles! lol My arms and legs are getting really toned! I'm soo excited! :D
Friday, July 3, 2009
make up make up make up!

The other day - after proposing that I will stop using the Body Shop - I was a little worried and panicked because I might be asking too much from a cosmetics line - no animal testing and only natural products. Yes, I have found it! :)
STILA! I really love their line! They have almost the same products as the Body Shop - which I love - but wayyy better quality!
They also have the 3in1 powder too - the one that transforms into concealer when mixed with water - and the finishing powder :)
They have these incredibly beautiful eyeshadows...
I'm really excited to ditch the Body Shop and start using this line. They also carry it in Sephora :D The only thing is that... well... the products are twice as much as the Body Shop :S

If you're asian, you know the eyeliner plays a HUGE part in make up... so to have a great liquid eye liner makes all the difference!
It has a pen-like tip for a controlled application, doesn't dry out.. and it's water proof until you take it off with make up! The girl there demonstrated a little on her hand... and right after, she touched it, it instantly dried! aka no smudging!
I'm sooo excited to start using it.. the only problem is... well it was sold out in the store.. I gotta wait until they stock up :(
I guess that was my make up update... and now on the juicy part... well not really hahah
This week, I should've started to design a layout for my blog.. but instead, I became lazy and didn't :P sorry!
A lot of people congratulated me on my convocation, to my surprise.
Thank you for the kind words :)
Ok, so last weekend before school starts.. what's hoppin' for me?
Tonight: @skybar for Chris' bday :)
Sat: BodyFLOW @ Goodlife; Wasabi dinner with the fam; the chee-a-tow's grad/bday/going away to Korea party in Stoufville
Sun: relaxin' and sleepin' till i'm tired of it hahaha
Until later, *tata!
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