Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One thing I hate...

Racism. I hate it with a passion. You might have read in my older blog postings about racism some way or the other. Recently, I have come to the realization that I cannot - and I mean cannot - tolerate any descriminatory or racist remarks.
For example: When I went to London (Ontario) a few months ago, we met up with Justin's ex roomie, Ryan. Me and Rico really had to go to the washroom so me and him headed upstairs to his condo to use the toilet. His roomie wasn't there yet because he was talking to Justin and other ppl downstairs. So Rico beats me to the washroom first (of course). I walk to the living room and sit down, patiently. Ryan's room mate comes in looked at me... I said hi, with a cheerful smile. She said hi back. Nothing wrong with that, right?

Well, as it turns out, Ryan told me that she hated me?!!?!?!? Yes, HATED ME! Here's the thing. He told me that she hated me because I was sitting on her couch. Yep. She said I was shady. wtf? shady? Would you consider a small asian girl, sitting quietly on a couch, shady???!!! I guess she's not used to seeing someone out of her kind.
Here's what bugs me - she stereotyped all asians. But I wonder, what do you connotate asians with? Rice? Chinese food? From what I know, asians do not have any negative connotations (except for bad driving lol). Yet, she felt like I was shady because I was not white.
Now now, I'm not saying that all white people are racist. Not at all! I'm saying that racism is still in our society even though a lot of people think that it has diminished.
Good thing I live in Toronto, a city that invites and welcomes all cultures and races. I would hate to live in London. Friggin' London!


On another note: recently, the "m" word has come up. "M" as in marriage. Yep. Me and boyfriend have been happily together for almost 3 and half years now. No major problems... nothing at all. Yet, a lot of friends and FAMILY have been majorly pushing us the question of marriage.
To tell you the truth, I'm not ready nor will I be ready to marry anyone in 3 years.

Another Random Thought:

I really love graphic design. I don't think I have been this passionate about something since... well I don't really know.
Ok, I know that I said that I would post my work up... and yes, I have been utterly lazy during my study week. For sure, I will post them up some time this week :)

Ok that's all folks! *tata!

1 comment:

  1. "I'm not ready nor will i be ready to marry anyone in 3 years"


    ...............i will bug u in three years about it and using what u just said against u if u blow it off then! muahaha

    and in case u forgot: lx's sister lives in london remember?!?! hahaha he HATES it there.
