Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Beast Mode - Day 14

Breakfast: coffee; banana = 110; 105
lunch: fit for life chicken souvlaki wrap = 169
dinner: 9 piece sushi rolls = 255

Calorie intake = 639

Exercise: 1/2 hour kettlebell workout
Calories burned = 500 (est)

Calories/day = 139

I think I need to eat less. Yesterday (day 14) was the least amount of calories I've consumed... along with the most amount of calories I've burned... which is great!
I've always thought that the more I eat, the more energy I have to work out. I guess this isn't the case! I've realized that I need to just satisfy my hunger rather than satisfying my cravings for certain foods... and that's where the tempations come in...
I also blame my loving boyfriend who encourages me to eat (because he has a huge appetite!) and for making me feel guilty for not finishing my food. Because of all of this food intake, I've gained a huge amount of weight and crave more foods! arrrggghhh
Lately, I've been noticing that the people around me have said that I am an inspiration/motivation for them to stay fit - either losing weight or just being healthy. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm boasting... It made me realize that the actions I do for myself not only betters my life but the people around me... and I feel somewhat overwhelmed by this yet grateful that only a small action would create a wave of healthy lifestyles. With this said, I thank you. I thank you because it helps me keep motivated and focused... and encourages me to keep doing what I'm doing.
A few months ago, my supervisor bought Jillian Michaels' (the hardcore trainer of The Biggest Loser) book Making the Cut: The 30 Day Diet & Fitness Plan for the Strongest and Sexiest You. It wasn't until a few days ago that she started reading it. She noticed that I've been eating healthier snacks and lunches at work. She mentioned that in the book, there's a test that helps you find what type of metabolism you have... which can help you create (or follow) a nutrition plan that can help you lose weight in a healthy way (not a fad diet). She brought the book in today and photocopied the test for me take. In the book, Jillian mentions that there are three metabolic types tha tone has:
  • Slow oxidizers requires a higher percentage of carbohydrates than of fat and protein, both to lose weight and to feel both physically and mentally energized
  • Balanced oxidizers require an equal percentage of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and have the capacity to do well on the widest range of foods
  • Fast oxidizers require a higher percentage of protein, and fat than of carbohydrates. Fast oxidizers should have protein in every meal, including snacks.

I fell under the Balanced Oxidizers and I'm pretty sure most people do too (all of my coworkers did). In this metabolic type, it says that I need a balance carbs, fat and protein. And here's my rant of carbs - I find that in the last 5-7 years, there has been this fad diet that you should cut out carbs if you want to lose weight. At first, it all made sense to me... cutting out breads etc sits in your stomach longer thus, not digesting food etc etc - That's not the case. I find that good sources of carbs can help you be full longer thus cravings for sweets or other unhealthy things can be curbed. Other than the fact that people who are under the fast oxidizer type, I don't understand that. Most people are balanced oxidizers and for you to cut out carbs just means that you're living an unhealthy diet and starving yourself.

Anyway, I was gonna blog about something else today... but just thought it might be useful for you to see what metabolic types there are. If you'd like to do the test, let me know. =)

Also, yesterday Kay and I went to our kettlebell class. It was only half an hour but it seriously kicked our butts. Even the jacked up black guys behind us weren't able to do the full exercises! Today when I woke up, I already felt the pain (I usually feel it in exactly 24 hours of my workout). The lower back is aching and I think I'm in much need of some hot yoga to stretch it out. Thankfully, our new work out routine enables us to do some hot yoga on Fridays after a long week of working out.
Yesterday, Kay and I have made a pact to ourselves that our goal at the gym is to be able to do the full kettlebell exercises, along with an hour class of Muay Thai. Yesterday, we were only able to do the kettlebell class and were too exhausted to do the Muay Thai one.
On that note, I'm very glad Kay and Katie has decided to join the martial arts gym with me. It truly motivates me to work harder and be focused. Thank you =)

1 comment:

  1. Katelyn here again...
    i wanna do the test!!
    and, i can't wait to get to that kettleball class with you guys! i felt like such a lazy bum lying around doing nothing all weekend, but i had to keep telling myself that if i go blind, it won't matter how fit i am :)
    but yeah, i've started doing a few light things - walking and such, and i think i'm going to try to come to yoga on friday.
    i'm glad to have some work-out buddies too...definitely makes it easier to stay motivated! so thank YOU!! :)
