When Twitter initially launched, I have to admit... I was skeptical. I thought that it was another fb fad where everyone just wants to be super creepy... and had no life. It wasn't until my girlfriends decided to sign up that I decided to sign up. "Why not?" right? I mean, if I dont' use it, then I don't use it.
Now, I'm addicted to tweeting. I tweet everyday, every moment I guess a chance... and I check my twitter constantly. Nothing passes by me.
I probably sound like one of those deranged anti-social yet net-social geeks out there. Trust me, I'm not. I have a life... thus I twitter about my life.
Recently, I've discovered the power of twitter. Yes, twitter is becoming quite powerful in the networking realm and I wouldn't be surprised if it excels facebook (at least twitter doesn't sell you cheap on your privacy laws).
A few months ago, I decided to open up my profile for public viewing, add a display pic and change to bio. A couple of months ago, I realized that there are tons of people I can follow other than celebrities. I made a decisive decision to stop all of the celebrity bs (except for Nicole Ritchie because I find her hilarious sometimes) and follow those who, I find, are worthy of my time. That sounds completely selfish, but seriously... I didn't want to waste my time reading useless updates. I'd rather read posts, links and pics that I can gain knowledge in.
First, I followed Applied Design magazine. Not only are they a local magazine, their main concern was design... and that was what I wanted to know more about. I looked through who they follow and started following them too.
My boyfriend and his friends always make fun of me because I'm so involved in this twitter fad. Fad or not, I am quite fond of twitter because of its constant feed of information... information that will help me exceed and become a forefront in the design field. That's my goal.
Information is so vast on twitter that it becomes quite overwhelming... I find comfort in this. It's free information, why not use it, right?
I also find that I'm connected to my friends a lot more because of this. I couldn't see my girlfriends as much as I liked to because time doesn't allow it sometimes. Twitter allows me to connect and leave msgs for my girlfriends... kind of like a forum of friends connect and respond whenever they want. I feel a lot more connected to them... AND I also find that we meet up more.
Since then, there were numerous opportunities where twitter helped me out a lot! Some recent examples:
- I received an awesome job offer! (YEP, I got it Kay!!! I would have to ask for you expertise though)
- I got tickets to Just for Laughs: Aziz Ansari show this summer. His show was sold out before the ticket sales were made public (damn amex card holders!). However, that day Aziz posted that he would have a second show! I immediately bought tickets and got awesome seats!
Even though Twitter does have its ups... It can get negative, I have to admit. Yesterday night before going to bed, I was playing around with my Echohon (a 3rd party iphone app for twitter) and found this feature called "tweets near you." Curious, I decided to check it out any tweets that were near/at work to see if ppl tweeted about hating being at my company LOL. It turns out that there was someone who tweeted something on these lines:
"Had a quick look at my outfit today and found out that it was mildly inappropriate."
I actually remember seeing her that day and thinking the exact same thing!!!! LOL It might be a coincidence.. but heck! To me, that was friggin' creepy!!
Anyway, it doesn't matter. I got a job offer and tickets to a sold out show. What can I say? I love twitter!
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